Story That Never Ends (Part 2) ~ HyunLix

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"There you go," Chan said, unlocking the door to their dorm and waving Felix inside with a smile.

The younger grinned at his friend and walked into the dorm, heart suddenly racing. He stood just inside the door for a minute, wondering where Hyunjin was; but his thoughts were interrupted when Chan called out from behind him, "Alright, everyone ready to go?"

Felix turned around, a confused look on his face. "Hyung? Where are we going??"

The leader smiled affectionately at his friend. "You're not going anywhere, mate. You're staying here with Hyunjin, while the rest of us go out to dinner. We thought you might appreciate some ... alone time..." He wiggled his eyebrows mischievously.

"Hyung!" the younger whined.

Just then, Jisung barrelled into the room, a huge grin on his face. The other members came in behind him in a more subdued manner.

"Sooo, Felix ma man... whatcha gonna do tonight, eh? You've been planning this for the last 12 months, am I right?"

He leaned towards Felix and whispered, "Ready to get some ... action??" His grin got even wider, if that was possible, as he nudged Felix in the ribs.

The freckled boy felt heat exploding across his face as he stammered, "I ... I ..."

He looked around at the expectant faces, then back at Jisung. Then he grinned.

"Hey, you can talk! You've been jabbering incoherently about your anniversary for months!!"

Suddenly, Jisung was the one turning bright red and stammering non-stop. Minho turned to him with a look of excitement, asking, "Really? So what are you planning for us, jagi?"

The older walked towards his boyfriend, and Jisung backed away ... until he hit the wall, that is.

"N-nothing..." Jisung stammered, looking like he'd rather be anywhere but here, right now.

"Come on, you can tell me..." Minho murmured seductively, his face stopping an inch in front of the younger's.

Jisung opened and closed his mouth a few times, seemingly caught in the beam of Minho's heated gaze, like a squirrel in headlights.

"Alrighty, time to go, I think," Chan interrupted, breaking the heavy tension that filled the room. Minho stayed where he was for a few more seconds. "You can tell me later..." he whispered, winking at Jisung. Only then did he step back and turn away.

Chan rolled his eyes and proceeded to chivvy the members out the door, before waving goodbye to Felix and closing the door behind him.

The Australian stared at the closed door for a minute, shaking his head in bemusement. Then he suddenly remembered the gift in his hand, so he turned on his heel and went in search of his boyfriend.

"Jinnie! Where are you?"

"I'm in here," came Hyunjin's sweet voice from the direction of the dining room.

Grinning with excitement, Felix all but ran towards the dining room, but stopped short when he got near the door, confusion sweeping across his face. The room was bathed in darkness, not a glimmer of light to be seen. Maybe Hyunjin wasn't in here after all...

He put out his hand, ready to turn on the light; but just as his fingers touched the light switch, he stopped and stared, frozen in astonishment.

Felix couldn't believe his eyes. There, in front of him, was their dining room table, but looking more beautiful than he'd ever seen it before. It was covered in a pretty, white tablecloth, with rose petals scattered over the surface. On either end of the table, there was a single candle, and in the centre, two places were set, directly opposite each other.

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