Yin and Yang ~ SeungBin

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Changbin was nervous. The group was having a Halloween party at the dorm, and everyone was dressing up. The rapper had decided that for once, he wasn't going as a vampire or a scary monster. No, this year, he was dressed as a puppy.

A cute, fluffy, adorable puppy.

All the members - and indeed, the whole world - thought of him as the Dark Rapper. Understandably, since that's the image Changbin had worked very hard to portray. But it wasn't his true self. No, Changbin's true self was closer to the brown, fluffy costume he was currently wearing, right down to the floppy ears and long, bushy tail.

Very few people knew this side of him existed - he'd been very careful of that. But sometimes, when he was super stressed, he needed a chance to relax completely and just be himself.

Today was one of those days. He was just nervous because, well, he'd never shown his alter-ego to so many people before. Yes, they were practically family, and no, he didn't think they'd make fun of him or anything. But you never knew. So here he was, standing inside his bedroom door, trying to muster the courage to go out and join the others.

His breath came in short, hot gasps under all the make-up, and his hands felt clammy inside the big, soft paws. If he'd had control of his tail, it probably would have been tucked between his legs. But he wanted to go to the party and have a few drinks with his friends, so he took a deep breath and turned the handle.

As soon as he opened his door, he could hear music coming from the loungeroom - that must be where everyone was. Cautiously making his way down the hallway, he wished the kitchen was on this side of the dorm, so he could down some liquid courage on the way. But alas, the architects hadn't predicted this specific situation.

Heaving a sigh, Changbin turned the corner into the loungeroom. "Hi guys!" he said, in an almost normal voice.

Suddenly, six pairs of eyes were trained on him. Various noises erupted, ranging from shocked gasps to shy giggles, to outright laughter. The rapper's cheeks burned, and he was very thankful for the make-up he was wearing.

"Hey, puppy!"

"Woof woof!"

"Doggy want a bone?"

Meanwhile, Jisung - being Jisung - got down on all fours and started wiggling his bum from side to side and sticking his tongue out, a silly grin on his face.

Changbin didn't know what to do. A sudden wave of panic hit him, and he started backing away from the approaching members, but after a couple of steps, his back hit the wall. He glanced from face to face, trying to find a friendly smile, but everywhere he looked, all he could see was ridicule and teasing.

Feeling like he couldn't breathe, the rapper stumbled forwards and broke through the circle of people, heading for the back door.


"Hyung, where are you going?"

"To the doghouse, obviously," came Minho's dry, sarcastic voice.

As Changbin desperately wrenched the back door open, he heard a loud 'slap', followed by, "Hey, what was that for??"

Thank you, Jisung! he thought, making a mental note to reward his friend later.

The fluffy-costumed rapper finally made it out onto the back porch, gulping lungfuls of cool air. His heart was hammering, and his head was spinning, so he collapsed onto the nearby swing lounge and curled into a ball, silent tears streaming down his cheeks.


Seungmin smiled at his reflection. Perfect. Then he glanced at his alarm clock and sighed. He'd missed the beginning of the party, but that didn't matter. It was much more important to add the finishing touches to his costume.

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