Promises (Part 1) ~ MinSung

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Jisung stirred as the sunlight stole through the curtains above him. He'd been awake for ages, excitement coursing through his body in continuous waves, but he hadn't wanted to disturb Minho.

It was now at the point where he couldn't contain it any longer, though. He needed to get up, and that would inevitably involve waking his boyfriend, since their bodies were inextricably entwined under the sheets.

The squirrel-like boy puffed out his cheeks, before gently poking the older on the nose.

"Jagi-ya..." he whispered, a smile starting to form.

Minho didn't wake up, though. He merely grunted in his sleep, rolling onto his back. Jisung huffed quietly, and then he had an idea. Grinning suddenly, he moved slightly, so that he was hovering over his boyfriend, then he started planting feather-light kisses all over Minho's face.

The older's mouth twitched into a smile, and his eyes fluttered open; then, without warning, he grabbed Jisung's cheeks and pulled him down into a scorching kiss. Jisung didn't mind one bit.

Five minutes later, they lay still again, hair messy and lips swollen. They grinned at each other as their breathing slowed down, happy to just be together.

"Mmm ... well, that was a nice way to start our anniversary!" murmured Minho.

Jisung nodded. "And do you know what we're gonna do next?"

"Stay in bed and snuggle for the rest of the day?" the older suggested, already matching his actions to his words.

Jisung shook his head. "Nope. We're gonna get up and get ready to go out."

"Whyyy?" Minho whined, trying to bury himself further under the covers.

The younger was having none of it, though, grabbing the doona aggressively and yanking it off his boyfriend. "Cause we've got places to be!" he announced happily, jumping out of bed.

Grinning at Minho, he went to have his shower, singing loudly while he was under the water. Several minutes later, he re-emerged and pulled the pouty boy out of bed, pushing him in the direction of the bathroom.

"Whyyy?" Minho groaned again, but Jisung just giggled, patting the older on the backside. At that, Minho suddenly turned around, grabbing Jisung's butt cheeks and squeezing, while attacking his still-swollen lips once more.

Halfway through this very passionate kiss, though, he suddenly shivered from head to toe, and Jisung realised that the older's exposed skin was covered in goosebumps. Breaking the kiss, he turned Minho around again and proceeded to push him all the way into the bathroom, turning on the shower while he was there.

"In, before you freeze to death!" he instructed.

"Fine," the older grumbled, shooting Jisung a sulky look.

Back in the bedroom, the squirrel-boy rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's behaviour. Then, suddenly remembering his plan, he dashed out the door to the kitchen. He quickly poured a glass of orange juice and put it on a tray, then grabbed a piece of bread, practically throwing it in the toaster (he mentally facepalmed for not doing that first, thereby wasting precious seconds).

While he was waiting for the toaster to pop, he got out the Nutella, a knife, and a plate, then stared intently at the toaster, saying, "Come on, come on, come on..." under his breath to hurry it along.

As soon as the toast ejected itself out of the toaster, Jisung grabbed it, spread it, and added it to the tray. Then he rushed back to the bedroom, sighing with relief when he saw that Minho hadn't come back yet.

A minute later, though, the older emerged from the bathroom, trails of steam following him into the bedroom. His eyes lit up as soon as he saw the breakfast tray, and he immediately took a bite out of the toast, closing his eyes to savour the perfection of warm, chocolatey goodness.

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