Your Scent (Part 2) ~ JeongChan

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Jeongin covered his face in embarassment, immediately feeling how hot his cheeks had become. After a moment, though, he realised that Chan was talking.

"Innie, it's alright, I'm not gonna bite. Come on, come back over here. Please?"

The younger hesitantly peeked out from behind his hands, and saw Chan gazing at him with a pleading look on his face. Jeongin had to admit, he didn't look scary at all. Sighing, he removed his hands and then slowly made his way into Chan's outstretched arms.

As Chan's arms enveloped him, Jeongin sighed in contentment, finally able to relax completely. The two stayed like that for a minute or two, Jeongin listening to his hyung's steady heartbeat, and Chan resting his cheek on the younger's head.

Then the older removed his arms and gently pushed Jeongin away from him so he could see his face.

"Now ... why are you here, Innie?"

The maknae looked up into Chan's face nervously, but all he saw was kindness and acceptance. So he took a deep breath and began his story.

"Well, I had trouble going to sleep, cause you were out so late. I- I was worried about you, hyung! I was so lonely, and I just couldn't get comfortable in my bed. So I thought ... maybe if I lay in your bed for a while, it would help me relax. But I didn't mean to go to sleep! I was only gonna be here for a minute or two, I swear!"

Jeongin looked into Chan's eyes imploringly, and Chan couldn't help smiling in return and ruffling the younger's hair. "So what happened?" he asked.

"Well, I was lying here with my head on your pillow-"

"-and my plushie in your arms!" Chan teased, chuckling softly.

Jeongin looked down at the plushie that he was still holding, embarrassment making his cheeks burn again. He quickly pushed the soft animal over to Chan, but the older shook his head and pushed it back again.

"You can keep it for now," he said.

"Thanks, hyung," the younger answered, hugging the toy tightly.

"Anyway," Jeongin continued, "your scent was so calming ... I must've fallen asleep breathing it in..." He suddenly felt really embarrassed at his confession, so he hid his face in Chan's chest.

It was all Chan could do not to coo at the younger. He settled for stroking his hair soothingly, as his heart swelled from what Jeongin had told him.

"I'm sorry I stayed out so late, Innie. I had no idea it would affect you so much. But I'm happy to know my scent can put you to sleep."

He let the silence take over, and kept stroking Jeongin's head. After a few minutes, the younger spoke again.

"Hyung ... can I tell you something?"

"Of course ... anything," Chan replied, smiling.

He heard Jeongin take a deep breath and waited expectantly.

"I love you."

Chan's heart skipped a few beats. In fact, it was as if time had stopped altogether for a few moments. When it started up again, Chan could feel his heart beating out of his chest, and hear the blood rushing in his ears.

Fighting to stay calm, he said, "You wanna know a secret, Innie?"

"What?" came the muffled reply.

Now it was Chan's turn to take a deep breath. "I love you too."

Jeongin shot backwards and stared at Chan, a look of complete shock adorning his babyish face. Chan was startled by the sudden movement.

"You do??"

Chan nodded, the swirl of emotions inside him making it impossible to talk.

"Since when?" the younger asked.

Chan took a long breath to steady his wildly-beating heart.

"Since ... well, since forever," he finally managed. "That's why I asked you to join my group. 'Cause I couldn't leave you behind."

Jeongin stared at him in silence for a moment, then startled Chan once again by launching himself at his hyung and giving him a crushing hug.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Chan wrapped his arms around the younger and hugged back, burying his face in Jeongin's soft hair and kissing the top of his head.

"You can't imagine how happy I am, hyung!" the maknae said into Chan's chest, his voice muffled by the older's pyjama top.

Chan grinned. "Actually, I think I can."

He paused for a moment, then continued, "Hey Innie ... do you wanna be my boyfriend?"

Jeongin slowly disentangled himself from Chan's embrace. He put his head down on the pillow and gazed at Chan, a series of emotions flitting across his face. It looked to Chan like he was having trouble holding himself together.

After a few moments, the younger smiled and whispered, "Yes". That one word seemed to break the dam, though; the moment it passed Jeongin's lips, his bottom lip quivered, and a tear escaped and rolled down his cheek.

"Oh, Innie..." Chan murmured, using his thumb to gently brush away the errant tear. And with that, he leaned forward, connecting their lips.

In a single moment, Jeongin's tears were completely forgotten, as all his fantasies were blown away like dust in the wind. Closing his eyes, Jeongin felt like he was floating in a void, with colourful fireworks exploding all around. He'd spent hours upon hours imagining exactly what it would feel like to kiss Chan. But this, this was nothing like any of his dreams, waking or sleeping.

After a little while, Chan slowly pulled away. Jeongin reluctantly opened his eyes and returned to reality.

Chan was staring at him intently, so he looked away, suddenly feeling shy. It didn't last long, though. Like a magnet, his eyes were drawn back to Chan's perfect lips, and Jeongin found himself mesmerised by them.

"Channie hyung," he started in a daze.

But the older interjected before he could get any further. "You don't have to call me hyung anymore, you know. We're boyfriends now."

The maknae's eyes flitted up to Chan's. "Okay. Channie," he started again with a smile.

"Yes, Baby?"

Jeongin blushed at the new name, but continued on, his eyes drifting back to the older's lips. "Can we do that again?"

Chan chuckled softly, gazing at the younger with pure adoration. "Of course. We can do whatever you want, Baby."

"Good," the younger responded, before smashing his lips against Chan's. With a sudden passion, he hooked his leg over the older's, pulling them closer together. Chan put his hands flat on Jeongin's back and gave a sharp tug, and in a matter of seconds there was no space at all between them.

Jeongin's hands soon found their way into Chan's hair, and he gently tugged, causing the older to moan softly. In answer, Chan pushed his tongue into the younger's mouth, starting a passionate tongue-battle.

When they broke away for the second time that night, they were both breathing heavily and covered in a light sheen of sweat. Lying their heads down on the pillow, they gazed at each other in silence as their breathing returned to normal.

Their eyes were heavy, though, and they were both clearly fighting to stay awake. Jeongin succumbed first, his eyelids sliding closed for the last time.

Chan found the younger's hand and held it between them. "I love you, Baby."

"Love you too," Jeongin murmured.

With that, Chan closed his eyes too, and they both fell asleep with smiles on their faces.

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