Special ~ SeungChan

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Seungmin was bored. Turning off the video he'd been watching on his phone, he wandered out of his bedroom to see what everyone was doing. As he passed Changbin's room, he glanced through the open door and saw the older working out while listening to some hard-core rap.

Typical, he thought, grimacing.

When he got to the loungeroom, he stopped in the doorway and surveyed the room, a frown appearing on his face. The other members were all there, every one of them too engrossed in whatever they were doing to notice his presence.

Hyunjin and Felix were on the nearest lounge, being disgustingly cute, kissing and cuddling like this was their last day on Earth. Of course.

Minho and Jisung were taking up the other lounge, Minho's legs lying across Jisung's lap. Even though the two boys were both staring at their phones, it was obvious to anyone who looked that they were joined at the hip. No one in their right mind would try to separate them, or the consequences would be unbearable.

Rolling his eyes, Seungmin shifted his gaze to the last two members. Sitting on the floor with their backs against the nearest lounge, Chan and Jeongin were staring avidly at the TV, wrestling frantically with the controllers in their hands. Seungmin didn't know which game they were playing - he frankly didn't care - but they were completely absorbed in it, grinning wildly and yelling at the tops of their voices.

Seungmin sighed. It seemed as though everyone had something to do, and someone to do it with. And they all seemed perfectly happy. The singer wished he could say the same about himself.

Taking one last look at the happy scene in front of him, Seungmin turned and headed to the front door of the dorm. Maybe he could find some happiness outside. On his own.

Chan looked over at the doorway just as Seungmin was turning to leave. The smile that had been plastered on his face a moment before quickly morphed into a frown as he saw the dejected expression decorating Seungmin's angelic countenance.

Chan's heart clenched as he wondered what could possibly have made the younger so sad. Gazing at the now-empty doorway, lost in thought, he was suddenly startled by a triumphant yell from beside him.

"Yes! I won! Whadya think about that, hyung?"

There was silence for a moment, until Jeongin realised Chan wasn't paying attention. "Hyung?" he asked, worriedly.

Chan finally turned to the younger. "Sorry, Innie, I've got to go out for a bit. Maybe someone else can play instead."

Jeongin gave the older a bewildered look. "O-okay..." he said hesitantly.

Chan abruptly stood up and headed out of the room, worry distorting his features. When he got to the front door and was putting on his jacket, he noticed that Seungmin's was still hanging on its hook. Oh dear, he thought, grabbing it.

As he was closing the door behind him, he heard Jeongin's voice raised in supplication.

"Lix hyung, will you play with me? Pleeease?"

Smiling to himself, Chan walked out to the road, looking around for Seungmin. Where is he? I hope he's okay!

His gaze fell on the park across the road, where he knew the younger sometimes went to get away from the chaos of the dorm. Hoping he was right, he made his way into the park towards Seungmin's favourite spot.

Soon a large lake came into view, with a bench facing the water. Chan smiled in relief as he saw a very familiar figure sitting there, still and silent.

Not wanting to alarm the younger, Chan sat beside him on the bench and softly called his name. Seungmin turned towards the older, a sad smile on his face.

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