Tears ~ HyunLix

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Felix brushed his hand across his cheek, angrily wiping away the tear that had just fallen. He'd promised himself he wasn't going to cry. Hell, he'd promised Jinnie he wouldn't cry, and he was damned if he was going to break that. Not now, when it mattered the most. Not when he had to be strong and give Jinnie all his support.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he walked into the bedroom he shared with Hyunjin. And stopped short.

In the middle of the floor was a big suitcase, lid open and only half-full, as if its owner had been called away in the midst of packing. From the array of clothes and other items strewn across the room, it looked like someone was about to go on a holiday. A trip to the snow, perhaps. Or a house in the country; the kind with a big, open fireplace and 4-poster beds.

Felix knew that wasn't the case, though. Hyunjin wasn't going on holiday; he was going on hiatus, forced to leave the dorm and all the members, for who knew how long. All because of a stupid "scandal", over something he didn't even do.

The announcement had been made this morning. Stay were told that Hyunjin would be going on hiatus so he could 'think about his actions'. Felix knew that was just a line to calm the Korean fans, who were always so dramatic.

Hyunjin had told him all about the incident behind the scandal, and he didn't believe for a second that the older was at fault. It didn't change the outcome, though. Jinnie was still going away.

Heaving a shaky sigh, the Australian sank down onto his bed, staring at the suitcase with hollow eyes.

Jinnie was going away. His closest companion, the love of his life, the one person he could truly depend on, and the only one who truly understood him, beyond mere words...

As he sat there, sinking deeper and deeper into misery, another tear slowly rolled down his cheek. This time he didn't brush it away; he didn't have the energy. He barely had the energy to live right now, the weight of his sadness just too much to bear.

As the tears started cascading down his cheeks, he hid his face in his hands.

"Sorry Jinnie," he said softly as his shoulders started shaking. "I c-can't s-stop them..."

"I know," an achingly familiar voice replied softly. Suddenly two strong, warm arms wrapped around the freckled boy. Felix threw himself on Hyunjin and sobbed into his shoulder. The older hugged him tightly, whispering comforting words in his ear and kissing the top of his head.

After a few minutes of heart-wrenching sobs, Felix's tears subsided and he sat back, looking at Hyunjin sadly. The taller boy leaned forward and kissed where the tears had made tracks down Felix's cheeks. Then he gently smoothed down the younger's hair, before sitting back and taking hold of Felix's hands.

"It'll be alright, you know," he said. "I'll be okay, and I'll be back before you know it!"

"But ... who's gonna look after you??"

Hyunjin chuckled softly. "Kkami will, silly! And my parents. Don't worry, Angel, I'll be fine. Really."

He sighed then. "I'm gonna miss you, though."

"I'm gonna miss you too."

"But you've got to be strong - can you do that for me? Don't listen to the haters. There are bound to be lots of them til everything settles down, but don't listen to them, okay?"

Felix nodded silently.

"And keep practising your dancing. I don't want you to let it slide just 'cause I'm not here to help."

"But you're my dance partner, Jinnie! How can I dance without you??"

"The others will still be here - you can always ask them for help. But you don't need me anyway! You're an amazing dancer, Baby, you always have been."

Felix suddenly gasped. "But what about Kingdom?? You'll miss out on everything! We'll never be able to win if you're not there!!" he wailed.

Hyunjin shook his head with a smile. "I'll be there in spirit, don't you worry. I'll be watching and cheering you on in every performance. And you know what? I'm sure you can win Kingdom without me - that'd make me so proud!"

Felix looked up at Hyunjin with a sudden fire in his eyes. He finally felt like he had a purpose.

"Yes! I'm gonna work harder than I ever have before - you're gonna be so proud! I promise we'll win Kingdom, Jinnie - for you!"

His face glowing with excitement, he leaned forward and gave Hyunjin a big bear hug. The older smiled, happy that Felix was no longer upset. His gaze soon fell upon the half-packed suitcase, though, so he patted the younger on the head and then went back to his packing.

Ten minutes later the suitcase was full and it was time to go.

"You coming outside?" Hyunjin asked Felix.

"Yeah," the younger sighed, his sadness returning.

So they wandered out to the front of the dorm building, where a company car was waiting. The other members had followed them out, and once the suitcase was in the car, Hyunjin hugged each of his friends in turn.

Felix was last. He held onto Hyunjin like his life depended on it, willing the tears to stay inside. He didn't want to ever let go. But eventually he had to, and as Hyunjin slowly pulled away, Felix whispered "I love you" in his ear. "I love you too," the older whispered back.

As the car started to leave, Hyunjin turned and waved through the window, a big smile adorning his angelic features. Felix smiled and waved in return, until the car got lost in the traffic.

Chan put an arm around the younger's shoulder just as the tears started falling again. "He'll be back before you know it," he said gently.

Felix's face crumpled at those words, a choked sob erupting from his mouth. Chan quickly enveloped him in a fierce hug, holding him close while the younger's body shook from the sobs.

A few minutes later, Felix wiped his eyes, the tears finally dried up. He noticed that Chan's shirt was wet.

"Sorry," he said, grimacing.

Chan shook his head. "Don't be. I know it's gonna be hard while he's gone, but we'll all be here. You can come to any of us for help, whenever you need to. And I'll sleep in your room until Hyunjin gets back, so you don't have to be alone."

"Thanks, hyung," Felix replied, smiling gratefully. Then they followed the others back to the dorm.

Back in his bedroom, the freckled boy lay down on his bed with a sigh. But as soon as his head touched the pillow, there was a crinkling sound, and he felt something under his head. Sitting up again, he saw a piece of paper lying on the pillow. He picked it up curiously, and as he got it into the light, his eyes went wide.

It was a picture of Hyunjin, with the older's signature at the bottom. Turning it over, Felix saw a message on the back.

Remember me. I love you.
Your Jinnie.

Felix gently held the picture to his chest and whispered, "I love you too, Jinnie."

Just then, Chan poked his head round the door.

"You joining us for dinner?"

Felix smiled brightly at the older boy. "Coming, hyung."

He carefully put the picture under his pillow and then followed Chan out the door, his heart feeling lighter than it had all day.

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