Pancakes ~ HyunLix

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A glorious smell wafted into Hyunjin's nose, pulling him insistently out of his dreams, like a toddler wanting an ice cream at a fun park. The dancer slowly opened his eyes, a smile making its way onto his sleep-ruffled face.

Pancakes. Someone was making pancakes.

He lay there for a minute, just enjoying the smell and the quietness of the dorm, which for once wasn't being rent asunder by the members yelling at each other.

Soon, he could hear voices, though, so he decided to go out and greet his bandmates. Slipping on his dressing gown and slippers, he made his way to the bedroom door. With his hand on the doorknob, he turned to look at Felix, still fast asleep in the bottom bunk.

Should I wake him? He looks so peaceful...

Hyunjin smiled softly, and decided to let Felix sleep in for once. He certainly deserved it. So he left Felix snug in bed and went out to the kitchen, where the voices were getting louder by the minute.

As he turned the corner into the kitchen, though, Hyunjin's smile slipped. Standing at the stove was none other than Seungmin! Suddenly, Felix's voice resonated in his head: "Too much buttah! Too much, too much buttah!!!" He would never forget that live as long as he lived!

Hyunjin opened his mouth to say something, but just then, Seungmin turned to the other side and called out in a slightly panicky voice, "Are you coming back? I really don't wanna burn these..."

The dancer shifted his gaze to the other side of the room and soon saw Jeongin emerging from the pantry, a packet of chocolate chips in his hands and an adorable smile on his face.

"Don't worry, Minnie, I'm here! Don't fret your little puppy ears!"

He put the packet down and took over watching the pancakes, sharing a smile with Seungmin as he did so. Hyunjin smiled too as the aforementioned puppy ears turned pink, then sat down at the bench, relieved that Seungmin wasn't doing the cooking after all.

"Hey guys!"

"Oh hi, Jinnie hyung!" The maknae greeted him with a wide smile, while Seungmin merely offered him a small, embarrassed grin.

"Pancakes, I see!" Hyunjin noted enthusiastically.

"Innie's cooking, not me," Seungmin quickly put in.

"Phew!" Hyunjin said with an exaggerated swipe of his hand across his forehead. Then they all burst out laughing.

Just then, 3Racha came through the door, talking loudly. They were soon followed in by Minho, a scowl on his face as usual.

A few minutes later, Jeongin announced that the pancakes were ready, so everyone sat around the big table. It was then that Hyunjin realised Felix hadn't arrived yet. Frowning, he got up to go and get him.

"Hey, where are you going? The pancakes are here, hyung!" Jeongin exclaimed, surprised.

"I'm going to get Felix," the dancer replied, the frown still on his face.

"Tell him to hurry, 'cause we have to leave in half an hour," Chan said.

Hyunjin nodded, but before he could walk away, Chan put a hand on his arm. The dancer looked at him questioningly.

"Only if he's okay," the leader said softly, eyes serious.

Hyunjin nodded again, then left the room. He knew Chan was worried, too. This wasn't like Felix. The freckled Australian would normally be one of the first to arrive if there were pancakes on offer. Hyunjin hurried into their bedroom, getting more worried by the second.

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