Soulmates ~ MinSung

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The silver-haired angel ran happily up the hill, giggling as he went. When he got to the top, he turned around and gazed lovingly at the little dog that was following behind him. The dog ran up to the long-haired boy excitedly, and the boy crouched down to ruffle his fur, happiness exploding on his face.

The scene faded away, then. In its place, the same boy could be seen hanging a toy on a Christmas tree and then taking lots of photos of the tree, a beautiful but sad smile on his angelic face. Soon, that scene faded too, a Christmas carol tinkling in the distance...

Jisung put his phone down, tears rolling down his cheeks. No matter how many times he watched that video, he always cried. There was just something so sad and poignant about it.

And tonight, he was even more emotional than usual, having already watched every video he could find starring the silver-haired angel (although his hair changed in every video, Jisung thought wryly).

He could do everything, from dancing to singing to painting, and Jisung was one of his biggest fans. He was a world-wide star, and had the sweetest, gentlest, personality imaginable, but for some reason, that wasn't enough for some people. They thought he'd done something unforgivable and should atone for his sins, away from everything and everyone he loved.

The world was so cruel - how could they do such a dreadful thing to such a perfect angel?? Ripping him away from his home and family, even though what he'd done was so far in the past, no one could say how it'd happened?

For a few minutes, all Jisung could do was sob into his pillow, the relentless tears making the material wet. He didn't have the strength to get them under control. He just hoped the noise wouldn't wake Jeongin up.

After a while, he sat up, wiping his eyes with the backs of his hands. All that did, though, was make his hands wet. The tears kept falling, like a never-ending waterfall. He didn't know why he was crying so much tonight - Hyunjin's absence hadn't affected him this badly for ages.

It had been ages, though, he realised, and they hadn't heard a single piece of news about their bandmate in all that time. So it wasn't really surprising after all.

Eventually taking a deep breath, Jisung managed to stop the tears, and shakily pulled himself up off his bed. He wiped his eyes - successfully this time - and turned towards the door. If he was going to get any sleep tonight, there was only one place he could go.

Making sure not to wake Jeongin, Jisung carefully opened the door to the room he shared with the maknae. He quietly slipped through and then closed the door behind him. The hallway was dark, but he knew the way, having made this trip many times before. Letting his heart guide him through the darkness, he soon found himself outside another room.

All he could hear was the sound of two people sleeping soundly, so he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. Minho's bed was under the window, on the other side of the room, so he tip-toed across the floor, hoping there weren't any sharp objects underfoot. (At least he wouldn't step on any of Jeongin's Lego blocks in here.)

Jisung could see that his boyfriend was lying facing the window, so he slipped into the bed behind him and wrapped his arm around his waist. As he nuzzled his nose into Minho's neck and closed his eyes, the tears started falling again.

He was suddenly aware of movement in the bed, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Minho's face only an inch in front of his own.

"Hannie?" Minho stared at him with palpable concern. "What's wrong?"

"It's J-jinnie, hyung ... I miss him so m-much ... he's been gone so l-long now, I d-don't think he's ever c-coming b-back!"

And with that, he started sobbing quietly into Minho's shoulder. The older immediately enveloped him in a hug and kissed him lightly on the head. He stroked his hair soothingly, murmuring comforting words in his ear.

Minho then surprised Jisung by pushing his head back slightly and planting light kisses all over his face.

"I'm still here," he assured him. "I'm not going to leave you."

Jisung smiled at his boyfriend gratefully, and when the older closed the gap between them, he connected their lips without hesitation. This is what he loved the most - the soft, warm touch of Minho's body on his, and the overwhelming feeling that everything was going to be okay.

The moment was ruined, though, when Jisung felt his boyfriend's knee brushing against his crotch.

"H-hyung? ... w-wha-"

"Shhh ... let me make you happy," Minho murmured.

But Jisung shook his head. "I can't, hyung. Not now - not when my head's full of Jinnie."

There was silence for a few seconds, then Minho pulled his knee down abruptly and turned away with a "Hmph!"

Jisung stared at the back of Minho's head for a minute, shock and confusion warring on his face. When the echoing silence got too much, he hesitantly asked, "Hyung?" The older sighed and rolled over once more.

"Why is your head so full of Hyunjin tonight, huh? Should I be jealous?"

Jisung rolled his eyes at Minho and hit him lightly on the arm.

"Don't be an idiot, hyung! Jinnie means the world to me, but he's just my BFF. Whereas you ... you're my soulmate."

Minho's eyebrows shot up. "Soulmate, huh?" he repeated, a smile spreading across his face. "I like the sound of that!"

"Good. Let's go to sleep now, okay?" Jisung suggested, as he pulled his boyfriend close and snuggled into his side.

His annoyance washing away in the blink of an eye, the older wrapped his arm around Jisung's waist and relaxed into the pillow once more.


Minho kissed Jisung's forehead and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. He gazed at his boyfriend, mesmerised, and watched him slowly drift off to sleep.

Once Jisung was snoring softly, Minho closed his eyes. "We're soulmates..." he whispered to himself wonderingly. And with that thought, he too drifted off to dreamland.

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