Chapter 8

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Russo's p.o.v

I kicked my cat-shaped pillow off the bed, while calmly sitting and sulking. "Is this how you're going to rule the world Russo?" I talked to myself.

Rascal, who was on my study desk, extended his paw and knocked over the sunglasses left there, joining me in this hazardous behavior.

"I know. I'm an idiot."

He meowed in agreement.

"You don't get me Rascal. The ways of humans are exhausting."

He let out a confused meow.

"I broke out of my role. I was angry and my emotions were controlling me and just thinking about the past I suddenly couldn't focus on my seduction."

He meowed louder.

"I can't just try to talk it out with him. I left that past behind me and it was his fault I was so gloomy for the rest of the ride home."

Rascal jumped off the desk and laid down on the floor. He meowed once.

I got up and started pacing around the room. "Now, there goes the student council and my world domination plans. But when I think back on his smug face in the cafe when he first suggested where to go.....ugh.. He didn't expect us to get closer or open up. And frankly neither did I.."

I dropped down in the middle of the room next to the tossed pillows.

He did apologize.

Suddenly the door slammed open.

"Oh my god." Mom yelled out in a high pitched tone and walked in. "You skipped classes today?"

Oops. I forgot about that.

"Did the school call?"

" It was such an immature, troublesome thing and so unlike you. Who told you to do that?" She asked in shock.

"You did." I smiled.

"Oh." She remembered our conversation a few days ago. "Since when do you listen to me?"

"I thought of trying it out." I smiled innocently. "Be cool like you back in the days."

"Well, I was quite the troublemaker and oh the things I did.." She drifted off and then looked at me "Was it at least worth it?"

I thought about it. His handsome face came into my mind along with all the things that happened today. But the moments we had in that little bookstore were real.

"It was worth it." I answered.

"Okay then." She smiled. "You're grounded. You're washing the dishes for the next two weeks." She scooped up Rascal and then went out like nothing happened.

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