Chapter 28

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Russo's p.o.v.

Christmas music was blasting from the hallway speakers, people were creating crowds throughout the hallways and the classroom, where each class had a different aesthetic and event for the guests.

It was noisy, crowded, and a complete success. I was making rounds around the school to make sure everything was okay and then I headed towards Damyan's class.

I had to make sure he was not being attacked by a group of fans. After I released that video it went viral in a matter of hours.

There was a line in front of the classroom.

"Make place, coming through.." I nudged a few people aside and entered the classroom. Mateo had everyone lined up.

Damyan was sitting on a table and signing shirts and printed out screenshots from that video.

"Now pay attention. Autographs are free, but we charge for photos." Mateo pointed at the girl who was trying to take a secret photo of Damyan. "You're cute so I'll forgive you this time."

"What the hell are you doing?" I crossed my arms and glanced at Mateo."Are you making a profit out of this?"

"I was gonna give it to the student council later of course." Mateo cleared his throat. "Right?" He nudged Damyan.

"I better get every penny of it or I'm telling Simon. And you know how's he like when it comes to money. He will hunt you down." I threatened him.

"Yes ma'am." Mateo saluted me.

Now the more important thing.

"You okay? Do you need anything? Coffee? Juice?" I crouched next to Damyan's table. "A weapon for self-protection?"

He chuckled swirling the pen in his hands. "I'm having fun. I like thinking of myself as a hotshot baseball player. Had a few talent scouts approach me too."

That was reassuring.

"Well, call me if you need anything." I got up and he caught my hand.

"What about my kiss?"

"In front of your fans?" I whispered.

He smirked. "Don't you want to mark your territory?"

I leaned over and stopped before touching his lips. "Okay, but you seal the deal."

He closed the distance between us giving me a soft lingering kiss.

Mateo started coughing. "We charge for kissing too."

The girls brought out their wallets at the same time.

"He is..." I gave them a mean stare. "Only joking."

I walked over to Mateo. "We'll see to this later."

I gave him a warning glare and left the classroom.

Shay's p.o.v

I was nervously fretting in front of my classroom waiting for Luca. God, since when did I fret. I placed my hands down trying to look more confident. I'm Shay Lee. I don't fret or get nervous.

But that moment I saw that guy walking over my heart left with any common sense and I started feeling nervous again.

"Hey.." Luca made his way through the crowd and reached me. "You said you needed to talk."

Little Wicked Game (2021)Where stories live. Discover now