Chapter 25

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Russo's p.o.v

I was confused. "Where did you hear this, there must be a mistake."

He showed me his phone screen with the event poster. "They are marketing it everywhere."

Indeed the school was marketing the festival on the same date as ours. But..

"Look, I asked the student body president to either cancel theirs or change the date. We haven't published our date yet so they might not have done this on purpose. I'll talk to the president and fix this, don't worry."

The guy was still worried. "I don't know Russo. This doesn't seem good."

I tapped his shoulder to comfort him and then excused myself by going outside to make a phone call.

The all-girl school and all-boy school had honored their promise. So this must be a mistake right?

I called the student body president who was signed on my phone as miss problem, for a good reason.

"Hello." She answered.

"Hey it's Russo. I'm calling to check with you about the Christmas festival. I see you booked it on the 22nd like us and while we still haven't published our date I'm pretty sure we agreed you won't do a festival and if you do it will be on a different date. "

"I decided to go against that."

My vision went blank the moment she said that. "But we agreed on something else.."

"Eh, I changed my mind."

I bit my lower lip. This bitch.  Where did she get the courage for this? I decided to save it while I could. "this is not what we agree upon and.."

"If you're thinking of changing the date before ours forget it. Whatever date you choose, I'll still find it out and move it to that date."

Anger and panic attacked my body at the same time. "I told you once that it's important we have different dates because we're doing a big event and this is for your sake.."

She seemed completely unbothered. Like she knew I was bluffing. "Yeah, I think you're the one who should cancel your event since we just booked this popular band to play in our school and we already sold a lot of tickets. I doubt anyone will come to your school's event since I found out you have nothing."

"This is backstabbing." I told her angrily. "I don't get why you changed your mind." Who the fuck told her I was bluffing?

"That's your problem not mine. I have to go now. Merry Christmas." She said and then hung up.


How the fuck did she know which date our festival was gonna be held? And what changed her mind?

I had only one answer coming up in my head.


She was way too calm about this whole thing from the start that it made me wary, but I never imagined she'd do something like this. This was too mean even for her.

Would she really sacrifice her own school just to beat me? To spite me? And what would she gain out of this?

I had no solid proof, only a gut feeling.

I texted Sabrina if she knew where Bradberry was and she texted back to check in our meeting room for the student council.

As I made my way towards the classroom a lot more people stopped me by to ask me about the event that the other school didn't cancel. It was spreading in the school faster than fire. They were worried.

Little Wicked Game (2021)Where stories live. Discover now