Chapter 30 : Epilogue

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"Why am I here again?" Tomislav stuffed his mouth with popcorn while laying over the carpeted floor in my room.

"If you're going to hang out here, you can't hog the popcorn." Luka dragged the popcorn bowl closer to himself. "Want some?" He offered to Shay.

"No. I have to watch my weight after all the food for the holidays."

"I'll help you work it off." He muttered to himself and threw popcorn in his mouth.

Damyan was tossing a baseball up in the air and catching it in boredom while I was resting my legs on his lap.

I stared blankly at the ceiling. I was way more exhausted now than I was a month ago before I became student body president.

"Why can't you just focus people." I sighed.

"Can we play some music?" Shay asked.

"I think we need more snacks." Luca complained.

"I still don't get why I'm here." Tomislav yawned.

"You're the one who wanted to be here." I turned towards him. "You kept begging me after the elections."

"Oh that was so good. The pained look on Bradberry's face when we won. The realization on her face about why I didn't run for president and instead supported you." He ran his fingers through his hair. "We should do it again. I've never felt so good in my entire life."

"It was good wasn't it." I smirked.

"Who should we ruin next?"He asked.

"Hold it there." I got up and started pacing around the room. "We can't assume Bradberry would just sit there after I defeated her that badly. She still has some influence in the school and the battle has just begun. She's going to try to make me trip for sure."

Damyan got involved. "Not to mention you made an enemy out of the other school. They will come after us on every competition in every field. We need to go on offense before they do."

"They hold a lot of high ranks in terms of sports." Luca explained. "Stealing those high positions would only bring the ranks of our school further up."

"I like this idea. If you rank the school higher we would be among the highest competitors for university. The students will go crazy over this idea. They will build a statue in your honor." Shay said.

"Damyan!!" I turned towards him with puppy eyes.

"I can definitely get that position with the baseball team." Yan winked at me.

"Alright. We have our goal." I brought out my whiteboard from behind the shelf. "Now it's time to take action."

Thank you so much for reading this story and for supporting me. I'm going to miss these crazy people. It has been a privilege to write Russo's adventure and her love story with Damyan. As well as come up with stories for the rest of the characters.

I had so much fun writing this and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Until the next one 😭💖💖

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