Chapter 29

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Russo's p.o.v

Back at school, the event was still ongoing. I was so happy everything went to plan and I managed to keep my word to the school.

It took everything I had in me, but it was worth it. And this second part of the school year was going to be all benefits.

I found Damyan exactly where I left him. But he looked bored out of his mind. Few of his teammates were there too keeping him company, or rather posing in the back while he signed baseball balls and caps.

"Hey everyone." I entered the classroom.

"How did it go?" Yan brightened up when he saw me.

"It was fireworks. I'll tell you all about it later. " I went to give him a hug. "Do you need saving?"

"Yes. I'm over this." He tossed the pen and got up putting his hands around me.

"Hey hey.. This is my best work here." Mateo came over to complain.

"Just use George." I told him.

George was suddenly brimming with pride, ready to take over Damyan's seat.

"George?" Mateo said disgustedly.

"You have a problem with me?" George raised his fist.

I was already pulling Damyan with me to leave the classroom.

"Sorry, everyone. The teacher needs him." I lied to the rest of the line of people and dragged him along the hall.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"Come on. You'll see." I told him. "Let me just get my things from the student council classroom."

As I reached the classroom and opened the door abruptly, I almost tripped trying not to get inside.

Paul and Sabrina were heavily making out over two desks, and they were so into it they almost didn't notice us.

Sabrina finally saw us and pulled away from Paul.

"Why did you stop?" He asked her.

She kept staring at us.

"Oh." Paul finally saw us.

"Umm.." I tiptoed towards my desk. "I'm just going to grab my things." I took my things in a hurry and backed out the same route. "Congrats."

I closed the door behind us and pulled Damyan to walk before they heard him laughing.He was going to tease Paul later for sure.

We got to the gym building, walked inside and went past the basketball gym. People were playing some event games we had planned.

But the rest of the gym was out of limits for the guests.

We walked further down the halls passing the karate gym, the swim club and eventually we reached the tennis club gym.

"What are we doing here?" He asked.

"Yan.." I grabbed his shoulders. "Tomislav said that my boyfriend is probably shit at other sports and he said you probably can't play tennis to save your life. I will not have that insult. I need you to go in there and crush him."

"He said what?" Yan's face changed completely.

"He basically insulted you in front of me." I sighed disappointedly.

Yan looked at the tennis court and saw Tomislav warming up.

"Where is the equipment?" He asked with an annoyed look on his face.

Little Wicked Game (2021)Where stories live. Discover now