Chapter 22

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Luca's p.o.v. (yes we're starting off with him again)

Shay and I were sitting across from Bradberry, mid day after school in East Feast cafe.

I hated to admit, but Bradberry was even more imposing than Russo. She had a confident stance and glare that could chill you to the bone.

It probably came from experience and power, but I didn't like it one bit the way she sat us both for a conversation.

To take on both of Russo's closest allies you had to be bold-bold. And very dangerous.

I glanced at Shay, but she seemed to be relaxed and unbothered.

The waitress came over dropping off the coffee and then the moment she was gone Bradberry pulled her mug closer.

As I reached for mine, her eyes locked at me. "Why you.."

I gripped my fingers around the mug handle. "What?"

"Why you? I can't wrap my head around why Russo would befriend you. I know you just recently started hanging out with them and dating Shay." She didn't even bother looking at Shay. "You're literally nobody."

"Thanks." I said a bit annoyed and sunk back into the cushioned seat. Though when Russo first asked me to help her, even I asked myself why me? Yet with every plan, every crazy idea we'd come up with, I realized I was better at making schemes that I'd give myself credit for.

Why I was able to do that and how Russo could tell that was my talent, still puzzled me.

"You obviously benefitted from this." She pointed at Shay. "I doubt you'd date her otherwise."

Guess the news that we were dating after that public hand holding flew around fast.

"And you.." She glanced at Shay. "I know why Russo benefits from having you around, but what do you get out of that friendship?"

Shay didn't even bother answering.

Bradberry picked up the small spoon and scooped up the cream from the top. "So let's fix that." She licked the cream from the spoon and pointed it at me. "I'll make you a more suitable boyfriend for Shay. You can have Russo's spot in the student council. You'd rise in ranks pretty fast."

Then she turned towards Shay. "And the only thing I can help you with is career-wise. My mom's friends with this designer in Paris. I'll pull some strings to have you model there this summer. I bet that would really help your career. All I'm asking in return is to cut Russo out of your lives."

I crossed my arms. I didn't particularly want any additional obligations in my life like the student council. But Shay, that would really make a difference for her.

Though if she betrayed Russo like Bradberry wanted.. I don't think I'd be fine with that at all.

Shay leaned over the table finally showing some interest. "Interesting offer. Why do you want us to do that?"

Bradberry was glad to see this reaction. "She just needs to learn her place. I don't think she's bad or anything but she's crossing some lines and she's getting ahead of herself. I gave her a warning already.."

"The history test?" Shay smirked amused.

"Exactly." Bradberry sighed. "She's only going to get herself hurt at this point. I consider this teaching her a valuable lesson."

Shay was playing with the spoon in her coffee. Wait, was she really considering this?

She clicked her spoon over the mug and then took a sip from her coffee.

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