Part 10 | Asking

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"Are you alright darling?"

You looked up to see Loki standing in front of you.

"Yes, why?"

"You've been staring at the wall for 20 minutes."

"Oh, sorry. I'm trying to think of a potion for tonight" you answered.

"That's quite alright my dear, have you decided on one?" he quizzed. Your heart squeezed, as it did every time he called you "Darling" or "My dear."

"I have."

"Lovely, now please don't do that again, it's quite worrying" he replied, smiling at you.

"Lovers!" Nat called out.

His smile dropped as he turned to glare at the red head.

You stood up and whispered in his ear. "And I know exactly who I'm going to give it to."

He looked down at you, grinning before giving you a quick kiss on the cheek and disappearing in a shimmer of green.

You stood there, dazed, as your heart pounded in your chest. You shook your head as you saw Wanda almost beaming at you.

"Don't say it if you want to keep all your limbs intact" you threatened, pointing at her.

She held up her hands in surrender and replied with "I didn't say anything."


You walked off towards the kitchen, unaware that behind you Wanda and Nat were smiling at each other in excitement.


Loki's POV:


He looked up from his book to see Wanda and Nat standing in the doorway of his room.

"Yes?" he asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"May we come in?" Wanda asked politely.

"Of course" he replied as he sat up and closed his book, setting it aside. The pair walked in and stood in front of him.

"We'd just like to-" Wanda started before Nat cut her off.

"You like Y/n."

He sighed and picked his book back up. "I am not discussing this."

"Oh come on Loki! You both clearly like each other, you should just get on with it!" Nat exclaimed, exasperated.

"She doesn't like me that way" he replied as the girls rolled their eyes.

"Yes, she does. She clearly likes you a lot" Wanda said.

"And how in the Norn's would you know that?"

"Every time you touch her, or call her nicknames like 'Darling' she goes pink and gets a little bit flustered" Nat explained.

"Oh no" he mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose.


"Doesn't that mean she doesn't like it if she gets flustered?"

"LOKI!" The girls shouted in unison.



"I'm not denying anything!"


Y/N's POV:

"What are you up to Miss Y/n?" Peter asked.

"Looking through my ingredients for tonight's potion game" you replied.

You were currently sitting on the floor of the lounge, sorting through various herbs, spices and others strange things. The team was sitting around you, watching and asking about different things. All and all you were having a great time.

Peter had just arrived from school and came over to join you, looking quite nervous.

"Um, Y/n? Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did, but you may ask me another."

"Well, I-I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with two of my friends tonight" he blurted out.

You looked up in surprise. "Not like a date or anything! Just as friends" he added quickly as he saw Loki glaring daggers at him.

"Really? Wouldn't I uh, be interrupting you, Ned and MJ?" You asked.

You looked at Loki beside you. He was pretending to be sorting through the herbs but you could see how tense he was.

"Not at all! They really want to meet you!"

"Oh, alright then I suppose, what time?" You asked, going back to your ingredients.

"8pm! I'll come and pick you up at 7:30" he said excitedly before running off.

The rest of the team looked at you as you watched him leave, confusion causing you to furrow your brows.

"You okay Lokes?" You questioned, looking over at him.


You sighed and leaned against him, the God absentmindedly put an arm around you as he continued collecting the ingredients needed.

"I don't like him like that Loki" you reassured, picking up one of your various spell books.

"That's because you've got eyes for someone else" Bucky said cheekily.

"SHE DIDN'T DENY IT!" Thor boomed excitedly.

"I will kill you all" you muttered, the others just laughing as Loki tried to hide the smile on his face.

Maybe he did have a chance after all.

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