Part 60 | You'll Be Fine

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"Why is Y/n crying?"

"She took a 'Which Avenger am I quiz."

"And who did she get?"


"That doesn't explain why she's crying" Pietro grumbled.

"Yes it does" you sighed, laying on the floor in annoyance. "What am I supposed to do with my life now?"

"The only thing you can do now is give up all hope and beg for money on the streets my love" Loki grinned, picking you up off the floor and kissing your temple. "Good luck darling."

"Thank you, I'll need it" you answered dramatically, hugging him tightly before running out the door.

"I hate her sometimes" Pietro mumbled.

"I heard that speedy!"

"Well it's true!"

"... Fair point."

"Oi! Get to begging!" Sam called out. A second later an illusion of your hand appeared in front of him with the middle finger up before slapping him. "Ow!"

"Only Loki can tell me what to do and even then that's only sometimes" you announced as you appeared back in the room.

"Um, Y/n?" Wanda asked nervously, pointing to your arm. "Do you know you're missing a hand?"

You looked at your wrist before laughing. "Oh right. Sorry Sam, forgot about that."

You called off the illusion that was still slapping Sam, the Falcon immediately sending Redwing after you.

The team laughed as you sprinted away, the little machine chasing after you.

"Samuel!" You shouted, desperately flicking green sparks at the robot as you scrambled over the back of a couch. "I will use my all powerful Emerald Sorceress magic and smash your bloody robot!"

"Redwing is not a robot!"

"It really is" Vision commented.

"I will pour a cup of coffee on you. And you don't have the guts!"

"Watch me" you declared before tripping over the edge of the rug.

"I'll save you princessa!" Pietro called out, speeding over and picking you up.

"PIETRO! NOT AGAIN!" You shrieked as he stumbled over thin air, toppling into a wooden bookcase.

"Why do I even bother buying anything expensive around here?" Tony grumbled, looking at the broken remnants that Pietro was now laying in.

"Beats me" Bruce shrugged, patting his shoulder comfortingly as he attempted to learn how to spin a gun with Nat teaching him.

"Keep running Laufeyson" Sam insisted, moving the controller for Redwing. "He's still after you!"

"Must I remind you that kneecaps are a privilege, not a right?" (This line is courtesy of the wonderful Kat.)

"Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about that?"

"Terrible choice of words" Loki commented.

"Don't scare me even more please."

"Your funeral" Thor mumbled from behind his pile of pop tarts.

Jumping off the bookshelf, you conjured your Police baton and flicked it out, pointing it menacingly at the superhero. "Try me pigeon."

"No no no please I'm sorry!" He pleaded, calling off Redwing and running from the room as Bucky laughed before being hit in the head with a can. "Shut up you!"

"I'll kill you Wilson!"

As the two of them chased each other around, you vanished the baton and walked back over to Loki, grinning proudly to yourself while brushing imaginary dust off your clothes. "Still got it."

"What do you mean 'Still got it?'" Steve questioned. "You terrorised Clint yesterday!"

"Well I've got to make sure I don't get rusty! Plus he's fine, stop being so dramatic."

"He's still shaking in the vents!"

The team looked upwards to see Clint peering through the vent grate nervously before he squeaked in fear and the clanging sound of him rushing away echoed through the room as Nat snickered.

"What was that motion you made while you spoke of still being able to traumatise people?" Vision asked.

"What motion?"

He copied your dusting movement.

"Oh that. I was brushing imaginary dust off my clothes."

"Why imaginary?"

"My apologises, I'll use real dust next time" you apologised, giving him a deep bow before throwing a plant pot at Tony.


You grinned, conjuring a large jar of dust and smashing it on the floor before blowing it everywhere. "Still got it."

The team hacked and coughed as you and Loki laughed before Wanda caught it all and removed it in a swirl of red.

"Ew, now there's actually dust on my clothes" you grumbled, taking the mini vacuum cleaner Loki conjured and handed to you and began vacuuming it off. "Thanks love."

"Are you ever not causing chaos?" Steve sighed, shaking his head. "Why do we even have you on the team??"

"Hey Nat" you called over. "Whoever can get Steve go on a longer patriotic rant gets to pick the liquor for girls movie night on Saturday!"

"What about me?" Wanda pouted.

"We know you don't like to drink Wan, so you can choose all the snacks" Nad suggested, the witch instantly perking up happily with a nod. "Hey Steven, they should change that fucking flag, it's got way too many stars."

(On serious note, why do you guys have so many stars??)

Steve looked stunned. "You just swore in the same sentence you used to refer to the flag! That flag represents-"

He stopped abruptly, folding his arms in annoyance. "I'm not giving in to your stupid game."

"The immigrants should go back to their own countries" you tried hopefully.

"But- hold on, you're not even from this planet!"

You went silent for a moment. "You got me there. And don't even try to use that Nat, you're Russian."

"Damn" she muttered, thinking for a moment befor her lips twisted into a smirk. "I don't pay my taxes."

Steve gasped before standing up and loudly rambling about her responsibility's as an American citizen and a role model to the community as Nat grinned at you triumphantly.

"I won again Laufesyon."

"Why do I even bother?" You sighed.

"I don't know, as I always remind you, don't bother betting against me."

"Um, can someone help me down? There's a piece of wood poking me in the ass."

"You'll be fine Pietro."


Hereth be the 60th chapter

I re-watched the Lord of the Rings again and my Legolas obsession has come back to hit me hard

Also this chapter is dedicated to @Raspberry_Sloth , may your sprained ankle heal quickly (Here's the chapter don't threaten me anymore please🙏)

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