Part 13 | The Scarlet Witch

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"Ready Sorceress?"

"Of course I am witch."

"Y/n please don't call Wanda a witch, she's not that mean" Vision requested, looking upset.

"Don't worry Vis, I love your girlfriend too" you answered, juggling little balls of light.

Wanda blushed bright red as you grinned.

"Oh look Wan, now you're scarlet like you name" you said gleefully.

"We're not dating" she mumbled.

"And I'm Asgardian" you scoffed.

"That's actually possible" Loki commented, seeing your confused look. "Well your Mother could have been."

"Oh. That'd be so cool! Maybe I'm part Royal of some other realm" you grinned, finishing your juggling.

"Don't worry Y/n, you'll be royal once you marry Loki" Wanda added cheekily.

You glared at her as Loki sighed.

"Alright we're starting three two one go!" you announced teleporting behind her and holding a blade to her throat.

"Hey I wasn't ready!" she complained twisting around and throwing a ball of red light into your stomach.

You teleported back to the other side of the room, grinning as you summoned two long daggers. "What a shame."

She held her hands up, red light encasing them as she started towards you.

"Hey we didn't talk about the rules!" Steve yelled out.

"Don't kill each other" you both called back at the same time, running at each other.

She threw ball after ball of magic, you blocking them with the daggers as you danced around each other, you blocking and her throwing. Suddenly, she sent out a pulse of red light, throwing you to the floor. Using this to her advantage she encircled you in magic, lifting you up into the air.

Teleporting behind her again, you kicked her legs out, the witch falling back as Vision called out to her in worry.

"Don't worry Vis" she reassured, grabbing your ankle and pulling, causing you to flip over and land in crouch in front of her.

"Yeah don't worry, I won't kill her" you smirked.

"As you if you could kill me" she scoffed.

"You're not the only one part of a prophecy Wan."

"What, and you are?" Tony interjected sarcastically, watching as you both stood back up and began fighting in hand to hand combat.

"You bet I am" you replied with a grin, stabbing Wanda in the thigh.

The witch growled at you and ripped it out, using it to slice across your chest as she grinned. "Oh look N/n, your boyfriend's worried about you."

You glanced to the others and saw Loki leaning against the wall, his jaw set and his arms folded.

"Don't worry Lokes I can defend myself" you called out, using your magic to pick Wanda up and throw her backwards.

He sighed. "I know you can darling, it doesn't mean I like it."

"Oooooooh" Wanda taunted, grumbling as you threw her back again.

"Shut it witch."


"Sorry Vis. Shut it dearest fried before I throw you through a wall."

"Y/n" Vision sighed, shooting you a disapproving look.

"Don't worry Vis, I'm fine" Wanda said, standing back up.

She ran at you and you flicked your wrist, sending her flying backwards. At the look on Visions face you conjured a crash mat seconds before she hit the floor, to his relief.

"Really? You're looking a bit peaky Wan."

She rolled her eyes and lay back on the mat, catching her breath. "You win old lady. Damn you and your centuries of fighting expertise."

The others clapped as you bowed with a grin, before walking over to the witch and grabbing her hand to pull her up.

"You alright?" you checked, the witch rolling her eyes again.

"I'm fine N/n, I'm the Scarlet Witch after all" she answered, wrapping an arm around your waist and walking towards the others with you.

Vision ran over looking worried, you sidling out of the way as he enveloped her a hug. She blushed and returned it, glaring at you as you wrote "Lovebirds" with magic.

Loki came over, grinning.

"Impressed?" You asked, smirking.

"Very" he replied, taking your hand and following after the others.

Sorcery | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now