Part 72 | Cravings

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"Y/n... what are you eating?"

"Food. Duh."

The team was gathered around you as you sat on the couch, all staring at you in slight concern, some in slight disgust.

You glanced around at them, frowning. "What are you lot judging me for? Did we collectively forget about the multiple times we've found Pietro nibbling on the succulents? If you want to judge someone's eating habits, judge that."

"Actually, Kate helped me with that issue" he replied proudly, kissing the picture of his girlfriend that he keeps in his pocket at all times.

"What we're questioning at the moment is what you're eating" Sam asked, looking down at your plate with a look of disgust.

"Pregnancy cravings I presume" Jane commented with a smile as the woman all nodded.

"See? They know what I'm talking about" you answered. "Besides, it tastes good to me, so what's the big deal?"

"Because you're eating tuna and ice cream" Bucky shivered in disgust.

"Don't judge me" you mumbled, hugging your tub of ice cream, tears welling up in your eyes.

Tony looked shocked. "She's... crying?? I've never seen her cry!"

"What do we do??" Bruce panicked, his eyes wide.

The team started freaking out, running in all directions as they tried to figure out what they should do. Even Nat looked worried.

Loki sat down beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist, looking a bit worried as he tucked your head under his chin, holding you close and trying to comfort you. "What's wrong my love?"

"They're all judging me!" You sulked, a few tears spilling down your cheeks, making the team freak out even more. "What if they all secretly hate me?! What if you hate me?! What if Odin actually loves me?! What if the whole world has gone crazy and everything is topsy turvy?!"

You gasped suddenly, sitting upright in slight panic. "What if I've turned into a man?! Or into a human?!" You took another bite of ice cream and tuna, muttering to yourself anxiously.

"Darling you haven't changed, the world is normal" Loki said gently, trying to reassure you.

You didn't answer, too busy sulking and worrying with your ice cream and tuna in the corner of the couch.

"Don't worry Loki" Jane smiles, patting his shoulder comfortingly. "This is normal."

"Eating strange combinations of mortal foods and panicking about the world going crazy?" He questioned, watching you with a worried gaze.

She nodded, smiling. "Mood swings. Nearly all pregnant woman get them, some worse than others. I assume being a goddess means that she'll get them differently, which why I think she's panicking so much."

"She's correct" Thor chimed in, the team all standing a few meters away from you, watching nervously. "Jane's mood swings were rather hard to keep up with, but it's important to just follow through with whatever emotion she's going through at the time."

"Everything's too loud!" You fretted, glancing around the room and fiddling with the sleeve of your shirt, tugging on it a bit before glaring at it. "And this shirt feels weird. Everything feels weird."

"What's she worried about now?" Loki asked with concern. "She loves that shirt, she wears it all the time."

"I hate it here, there's too much going on!" You panicked. "Too many colours and textures and people" (I don't even have to be pregnant to get this...)

"Sensory overload I think" Bucky commented, watching as you grab your ice cream and tuna and disappear in a flash of green magic. "I still get it sometimes, when everything around you becomes too much and you can't cope."

Loki looked worried as he fiddled nervously with his hands. "What do I do??"

"Give her some space for a bit" Bucky suggested. "Then go talk to her. If you need some help I can talk her too."

A few hours later

Loki knocked quietly on the door of your shared bedroom, opening it slowly to see if you were in there. "Darling?"

You were sitting in the corner on the floor, wrapped up in a blanket watching Mamma Mia and humming along with the songs while eating Nutella and mayonnaise.

The God sat beside you, looking down at you with a concerned look. "Darling? Are you okay?"

"Of course I am!" You smiled brightly. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Alright..." he answered slowly, looking a bit confused as you settle into his side, humming along with the songs from Mamma Mia, placing his hand gently on your waist. "Are you sure?"

You nodded happily. "Yep! Do you want some?" You said, offering up some Nutella and mayonnaise.

He grimaced slightly before sighing softly, giving you a small smile. "Sure love. Maybe it's not that bad."

He tried a spoonful, gagging slightly, putting a hand over his mouth.

You grinned up at him. "Do you like it?"

He conjured a small vomit bag, spitting it out and magicing the bag away with a look of disgust. "My love, you have many fine qualities, but your cravings are not one."

You laughed, grinning. "I know. The logical part of my head tells me this is disgusting, but I can't stop eating it."

"Well, if you like it, then enjoy it darling" he chuckled. "But I won't join you in enjoying it."

"Being pregnant sucks" you sulked, tucking yourself under his arm. "I'm an emotional wreck."

"Me too" Loki grinned, smiling as you laughed softly, placing hand on your stomach gently. "It's okay my darling, I've been doing some research into how I can help you."

He pointed to a huge collection of books in the corner.

"Thanks love" you smiled, kissing his cheek. "You're the best."


This sucks, sorry guys😭

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