Part 44 | Big Shiny Assberg

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"Oh! Hello your Majesty" Wanda smiled, doing a little curtesy. "You wanted to see me?"

"Oh stop that nonsense dear, call me Frigga" she laughed. "Any friend of my sons is a friend of mine."

"I'm assuming I count as Thor's friend, not Loki's?" She grinned.

Loki shrugged. "N/n loves you, so I suppose you're alright" he chuckled. "I find you more tolerable than most other mortals I'm associated with."

"You should be honoured Wan" you laughed, leaning against the God. "Tolerable? That's amazing."

"Why thank you, your highness" she said sarcastically, laughing as Loki rolled his eyes. "How can I help?"

"Well actually, I'm here to help you dear, with runes. I know N/n has helped you, and I wanted to offer my assistance in Asgard."

Wanda's face lit up. "Really?? That would be amazing! I'll take any help I can get, I don't want to hurt anyone."

"You won't Wan" you assured her. "You're doing very well, but I only know so much. Frigga's been around longer than I have and knows much more."

"I doubt that sweetie, you've taught her well" the Queen smiled.

"Do I need to bring anything with me?" Wanda asked.

"If you wish, but we can provide everything there for you."

"Off we go then!" Thor boomed, excited to return to his home.

"Before we do, I have a small request" Frigga grinned.


"You look amazing Frigga" Wanda laughed.

Frigga had requested that the two of you accompany her on a "mortal shopping trip", in her words.

(Frigga's outfit from the last chapter, feel like she would rock this)

(Frigga's outfit from the last chapter, feel like she would rock this)

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"Thank you dear" she smiled, looking at her outfit. "I quite your Midgard clothing."

"Oh trust me, not all of it is good" you grimaced, glancing over at a group of basic girl outfits (Sorry if you wear this.)

"Or that" Wanda shuddered, gesturing to a group of eshays (Not sorry if you wear this, what are you doing.)

"Oh dearie me" she laughed. "Well thank you for your help lovelies, shall we head off now?"

"Don't forget about us" Loki commented from where he and Thor had been sitting on a lounge chair watching.

Correction; Loki was sitting, Thor was looking at The Jojo bows in interest.

"Come on brother" Loki chuckled, tapping the God's shoulder. "I'm sure those are for the young mortals."

"I'd look amazing in one" he grinned, the brother walking out of the store.

"One of the greatest joys of my life is seeing them happy again" Frigga smiled.

"Does Odin know I'm coming?" You asked suspiciously as you and Wanda taught the Queen how to use a self checkout.

"Oh don't worry about him dear" she dismissed, thanking the lady at the door kindly. "He can be an idiot sometimes."

"He's a pretty shitty excuse for a father-in-law" Loki chuckled, wrapping an arm around your waist. "Sorry about that love."

"Don't be like that Lokes" Frigga warned, flicking a gold spark at him. "I know he was awful in previous years, but he is trying."

"Only took him a millennium" Thor commented, patting his brothers shoulder as Loki looked grateful.

"If he says anything, ignore him" Frigga said, patting your cheek. "Now, lets go to Asgard."


"Hey Heimdall!" you called out with a grin, waving to him. "How is it in big shiny Assberg?"

"Assberg is great, thank you for asking" he chuckled, giving you a wave back. "How's it going down there with the mortals?"


"Hello Miss Maximoff, how are you?" he smiled to Wanda.

"Very good, thank you Heimdall" she nodded, smiling back. "How are you?"

"Also very good, thank you for asking. Shall I inform the AllFather of your arrival Your Highness?" He asked Frigga, who nodded. "Welcome home my Princes."

"Thank you Heimdall" Loki smiled as a group of Asgardian children led horses up to the Bi-Frost.

"Hello little ones" Frigga smiled, turning to you and Wanda. "These are some of my students, they wanted to meet the famous wife of my son."

"Prince Loki, Princess Y/N!" they exclaimed, bowing deeply. There were five of them, all around the age of seven or eight.

"Ooh I forgot about that" you muttered to Loki, the God stifling a laugh.

"Not many people forgot that kind of title my dear" he chuckled, petting the horse in front of him as the children all rode theirs back to the castle ahead of your group.

"Well to be fair it's not something I'm used to, ad I haven't been here in a while" you laughed, taking the hand he offered and getting onto the horse. "Also I need you to hold onto these for me."

"What darling?" He asked curiously as he sat behind you on the horse, leaning his chin on your shoulder.

You smirked, conjuring a large bag full of various daggers and weapons and handing it back to him. "I don't trust myself not to stab the King. Sorry Frigga."

"No harm done dear" she chuckled.

"You must think very little of my intelligence if you think I would believe this is all you have" he smirked, vanishing the bag and storing it in his inter-dimensional pocket.

"Well I gave you the worst of my collection" you grinned, urging the horse forward towards the castle.

"Worst of hm?" He questioned with a grin, pulling out a dagger that was hidden under the back of your shirt. "What's this then?"

"Backup, obviously" you deadpanned, grinning at him.


I finally watched the first episode of 'Sherlock', and IT WAS SO GOOD

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