Part 71| The Announcement

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"Loki! Your wife is being mean!"

"No different to usual."

"But she called me an ugly bitchass looking spoon head!" Pietro whined. "That's worse than usual!"

"Suck a dick" you grumbled, glaring at him while throwing spider webs at the ceiling.

"At you going to clean that off?" Tony asked.


"Please can you clean it?"

You just flipped him off and walked out, muttering to yourself.

"What's up with her?" Clint questioned, looking over at Loki curiously. "She's always kind of scary, but she's been off the past few days."

"She's fine" Loki replied, teleporting to your room.

You were lying on the bed playing loud, depressing music with a pillow over your face, muttering swear words.



The God sat down beside you on the bed, taking the pillow off your face and looking down at you. "What's wrong my love?"

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"No you're not."

You sighed, closing your eyes. "My stomach is killing me."

He frowned, placing a gentle hand on your stomach. "Is there anything I can do? A healing potion, or a spell?"

"No" you answered glumly, shaking your head. "I don't want to risk hurting the baby."

"I can ask my Mother" he suggested, running his hand through your hair. "She'll know something."

"But that means I have to tell the others, because Thor will be questioning why she's bringing potions for me."

"Fair point" he chuckled. "They'll figure it out eventually."

"Nat already figured it out."

"I thought so" he mused, still playing with your hair gently. "You will have to tell them eventually my darling, they're starting to get suspicious."

You groaned before sitting up and taking a deep breath. "Let's get it over with shall we?"


His voice cut off as you teleported into the living room, the God appearing beside you a second later with a frown.

"Darling, what have I said about teleporting right now?" He scolded, looking you up and down. "Are you okay? Do you feel ill or-"

"Lokes I'm fine" you smiles. "Honestly, you worry too much."

"Way more than usual, which is saying something" Vision commented.

"I agree" Bruce added. "Are you okay N/n?"

"Totally fine" you answered, sitting down in an armchair with an anxious Loki standing behind you. "However the toaster oven is correct. I have something I need to tell you all."

Sam gasped before bursting into tears. "Don't get a divorce! You two are perfect together!"

"Shut up idiot they're not divorcing" Bucky sighed from where he was trembling on the floor as the last remnants of your potion were wearing off.

"Oh... never mind then!" The hero said happily, wiping away his tears and going back to building his Lego with Pietro. "So what's up?"


You hesitated, but continued with a sigh at Nat's expectant look.

"I'm pregnant."

You could feel Loki stop pacing behind you, both of you gaging the reaction of the team as they all sat in shocked silence.

Then Wanda ran over shrieking with joy and they all immediately followed, the witch giving you a gentle hug as tears welled in her eyes.

"Hey no crying or I'll cry!" You shouted over the noise as Thor sobbed into his brothers shoulder, the room in chaos.

"You know, you're a bit of a wuss for a 'fierce warrior' such as yourself" Loki smirked, patting the crying God's shoulder.

"I'm- just- so happy!" He sobbed, sniffling as Loki rolled his eyes. "My baby brother is going to have his own baby, and then our kids can play together like we used to, and our little families can visit each other, and-"

"Alright calm down brother" Loki chuckled, conjuring a handkerchief for Thor. "Yes, we can do that."

Thor's response was a new batch of tears as Loki rolled his eyes again.

"Lokes, why is everyone standing behind a suspiciously green barrier?" You grinned, looking up at him as he stood beside you protectively.

He shrugged innocently. "Good question love."


"I'd rather you didn't get trampled by these manic humans my darling."

You laughed, waving your hand to remove the barrier and letting a crying Wanda give you another hug. "Yes yes, very emotional I know."

"Told you they'd all be happy" Nat commented with a grin as Steve and Bucky barraged you with questions, Pietro whizzing around the room squealing.

"Congratulations" Peter smiled, standing back a bit. "I'm really happy for you."

"Thank you Peter" you smiled back. "You don't have to stand all the way back there you know."

"Um... I do actually" he answered nervously, glancing over at Loki who was glaring daggers at the teenager.

"Now I know why you took the cameras out of your room" Tony muttered. "Congrats you two."

"Thanks Stank" you smirked.

"Is that why you've been so mean recently?" Clint asked curiously.

"Yep. And now I get a green card to do that for a few months, so suck it up buttercup" you grinned. "Also why are you all still crying?"

"I'm just so excited!" Wanda sobbed, the witch hugging Thor tightly as they both cried.

"Me too" Thor sniffled, giving you an extremely gentle hug. "Was that okay? Did I break anything?"

"That was fine Thunderman" you laughed, standing up.

"That also explains Lokis behaviour recently" Bruce noted.

"What behaviour?" The God questioned, glaring at the scientist as he carefully pulled you closer to him.

"Well... you have been hyper-protective of her the past few weeks" he replied nervously. "Even more so than usual."

"Because he worries too much" you added, waving him off. "I can look after myself."

"Can you darling? On our last mission you nearly fell out of the building three times."

"Zip it reindeer games."


I don't have anything cool to put here so have these exclamation marks‼️‼️

Also shoutout to the wonderful LokisDepressedSlut for keeping me sane and entertained everyday😚🫶

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