Part 63 | Your Turn

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"It's been an awfully long time."

"Lokes, she's birthing a whole new human. Give her a minute."

"Technically a Demi-god."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that!" You replied excitedly. "A little Demi-God of Thunder."

"How do you know it will a demo-god of Thunder?" Bruce questioned in interest.

"Well normally the children of a God and a human will have the title of a Demi-god of whatever God their parent is" You explained. "Or if they have more children the next ones will be related to it in a way, for example the god of lightening."

"Also part of the reason why my Mother is here" Loki added. "As the Queen, she can determine what the baby's title is."

"Fascinating" Bruce smiled. "Mythology is incredible."

"We are pretty cool" you grinned, leaning against Loki.

"So when is it your turn?" Wanda questioned with a suggestive smile.

"What are you implying?" Loki challenged with a smirk.

"Well... there's going to be one baby in the tower, at least for a little while. Will there be more soon?"

"Shut up Wan" you grumbled, Loki chuckling quietly beside you.

"Well love-"

"I'm not discussing this here with these idiots."

The team sighed in disappointment, Sam, Bucky and Pietro moving back in their seats from where they had been inching closer to listen.

"It isn't a no" Loki said hopefully, kissing your temple.

"I'm excited to see the chaos that's going to unroll with you guys trying to look after a baby" you grinned. "This is going to be funny."

A moment later Frigga popped up in front of you. "The baby's here!"

The team cheered excitedly, the nurses shushing you all.

"Thor said that you two can come in so that Jane and the baby aren't overwhelmed, but he's really excited for you to meet her" Frigga explained with a beaming smile.

"It's a girl?" Nat smiled happily.

"Tell them congratulations from us" Steve smiled as the three of you left to to go meet the baby.

You all appeared in the hospital room, Jane sleeping while Thor cuddled a small bundle in his arms.

"Is that a really small baby or are your arms just huge?" Loki smirked, Thor's face lighting up at the sound of his voice.

"I think it's a normal size" he replied, walking over to you carefully. "I don't really know."

"She is" Frigga smiled, kissing her granddaughters forehead softly before teleporting away in a flash of magic.

"Congratulations brother" Loki said, smiling slightly.

"Would you like to hold her?" Thor questioned happilg.

Loki looked surprised, glancing over at you questioningly.

"You'll be fine love" you encouraged, the God caustically taking the baby from his brothers arms. "Congratulations Thunderman. How does it feel feel to be a Father?"

"Really exciting" he beamed. "I can't believe it."

"What's her name?"

"Idun Thorsdottir" he smiled. "Loki stop worrying so much, you're doing fine."

"Are you sure?" He mumbled nervously. "I haven't held a child before."

"Well get practicing, you and Y/n" Jane commented as she woke up, Thor moving over to sit beside her.

"Do you want to hold her?" Loki asked you, carefully passing Idun over to you as you nodded. "We have a niece."

"That's weird" you laughed quietly, rocking her gently. "What do you even do with a baby?"

"Feed it."

"Wow Lokes, you're so intelligent."

"Thank you darling" he smirked, kissing your cheek.


"Don't drop it."

"I wasn't going to-"

"Don't you dare drop it."

"I fucking will if you don't stop-"

"No swearing around the baby please!" Jane fretted from her hospital bed. "And please don't drop her!"

"Sorry" you and Loki chorused with matching grins.

"Were only kidding" you called out, carefully holding the bottle up to her little mouth.

"Such tiny fingers" Loki mused as Idun grabbed onto his finger

"You were that tiny once you know" Frigga commended, standing beside him. "You were very cute."

"And cold" Thor grumbled. "Freezing cold. All the time."

"Well he is a Smurf" you smirked as Loki laughed.

"Thanks love, so kind."

"And true."

"Am I going crazy, or have I been hearing rumours about more grandchildren for me in the future?" Frigga sang out, pointing between the two of you.

"How has this never popped up until now but it's all you guys are talking about?!" You exclaimed as Loki grinned.

"I think it's the fact that there's a new child around that we're all remembering about you two" Clint interjected as he walked past.

"You forgot about us?!"

"Of course not dear" Wanda smiled, blowing you a kiss from where she was sitting with Vision.

"Why don't you and Vis have kids?" You retorted.

"She's embarrassed" Sam grinned.

"Leave the poor girl alone" Bucky added.

"Thank you Buck."

"We're talking about this later though" Loki whispered in your ear, the both of you chuckling quietly.


Guys I finally watched Bullet Train and it was SO GOOD

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