Part 38 | If You Like It

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"Shut up."

"How ya doinnnn?"

"Shut up!"

The team smirked, watching as you hung upside down over Sharon, dangling from a thread of green magic.

"I'm just trying to be nice" you pouted, trying not to laugh at the frustrated look on her face.

"Bullshit" she muttered, standing up out of her chair in annoyance. "Steve! Tell her to stop!"

Steve took a deep breath, glancing over at Loki who discreetly shook his head.

"No" the soldier replied firmly.

"Ugh" she groaned, storming out of the room. "You're suppose to be my boyfriend!"

"I find it slightly concerning how easy you find it to be irritating" Vision mused, watching as you conjured a small dagger and cut the thread, flipping the right way up and landing neatly on your feet.

"She's always irritating" An extremely sleep deprived Bucky and Sam grumbled.

"Why do you two look so tired?" Nat asked as Loki smirked at you.

"How about you ask Loki's little shit of a wife" Bucky sighed, flopping onto the ground.

The team turned to look at you, Kate looking excited to see what was going on.

"I'm just getting back at them for impaling me with a sword" you shrugged nonchalantly. "Which you still haven't explained how you got."

"Yes, I would like to know" Loki commented, giving the pair a dangerous look. "And why it was anywhere near her."

"Yeah, why the hell were you throwing a sword at the window?" Tony questioned.

"We thought we could scare you all if it just flew past the window, but even with all his metal arm strength this idiot can't throw straight" Sam explained, groaning when Bucky punched him in the side.

"He's too gay to throw straight" you snickered, shrieking as the super soldier jumped up and sprinted after you.

"Get back here!"

"No! I'm way too young to die!"

"You're 1,225!"

"Exactly! I'm still a foetus!" You answered, springing out onto the balcony.

"No where to run now" Bucky smirked at you from where you stood with your back against the railing.


His eyes widened. "There's no way."

"See you in hell bitches!" You shouted out, saluting the others before back flipping off the edge.

"WE'RE 76 STORIES UP!" Wanda shrieked as everyone rushed out, looking over the edge.

"Loki!!! Do something!!!" Clint shouted, looking frantically at the God.

"She'll be fine" he chuckled, leaning casually against the railing. "Trust me, she does this all the time."

"We're putting safety on this" Bruce mumbled, squeezing Nat's hand tightly as he tried not to hyperventilate.

"Y/N! DO SOMETHING!" Pietro yelled down in panic, knowing that by the time the elevator got down there, you would've hit the ground.

"Cutting it a bit slim darling" Loki called out in amusement.

"A BIT????"

Smirking, you blew them a kiss and opened a portal in the pavement seconds before you made contact, falling through the circle and disappearing.

There was silence.

"Where did she go?" Steve asked finally, looking over at Loki, who shrugged.

"Wait for it."

"I didn't know she could do that" Nat grinned.

"We've both been studying eldritch magic" the God replied. "What that Doctor man uses."

"Dr Strange?" Thor quizzed.

"That one."

"You know his name brother."

"Incorrect. I erased it from my memory after he dropped though repetitive portals."

"I have been falling, FOR THIRTY MINUTES!" You huffed, stumbling out of a portal you opened up behind them. "Jeez."

"Close call there darling" Loki chuckled, his expression turning to a glare as Dr Strange stepped out from your portal.

"Morning Loki."

"Piss off."


"Why are you here?"

"Well your girlfriend-"

"Wife, actually" Loki corrected.

"Apologies, congratulations" he nodded.

"If you like it then you should've put a ring on it" you sang out, doing the single ladies video. "Woah oh ohhhh, woah oh oh ohhhh oh oh-"

"Shush love" Loki chuckled, covering your mouth with his hand. "Continue."

"Right. Your wife fell through a portal into my training at Kamar-Taj and I was quite surprised as she hasn't been taught in eldritch magic and doesn't have a sling ring."

"I taught myself" you answered.

"With help" Loki grinned.

"Shush emo."

"And how did you do that?" Strange asked.

"Magic" you said dramatically, throwing a packet of glitter into the air.

"Where the hell did you get that??" Tony groaned as it went all over the carpet, Loki laughing to himself.

"Also magic tin can" you grinned.

"And you couldn't have just used magical sparkles?"

"Obviously not."

"Right" Strange chuckled. "But how did you locate a book on eldritch magic?"

"Stole it from Wong while he was listening to Beyoncé."

"I knew I heard something!" Came his voice from the other side.

"Love you Wong!" You called out, laughing as he poked his head out and flipped you off.

"Well please make sure you return it" the Doctor requested before saying goodbye and stepping back inside the portal.

"Well that was fun" you grinned, closing the magic circle behind him.

"Please don't do that again" Wanda sighed, a hand held to her chest. "You scared us."

"Even Loki?"

"No, he was laughing" Pietro answered.

"Because I am hilarious" you smirked, taking a bow. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some pest removal work to do."

"Pest removal?" Bruce questioned. "Friday looks after that."

Suddenly an irritated yell was heard from Sharon's room.

"Oh, right."



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