Part 18 | Finally Yours

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"So you think I'm hot."

You looked up from the bubbling potion to see Loki leaning back on the counter opposite you, grinning.

"I don't recall saying that" you answered, smirking.

"I think you do" he said, watching you cut up dandelion roots. You kept your head down, determinedly not looking at Loki. Suddenly you felt a whisper of breath at your ear.

"By the way, you make a very good girlfriend."

You jumped, and turned around, but he was gone.

"Oh my Norns" you muttered, putting your head in hands.

"You alright darling?" You looked up again to see Loki walking into the kitchen with an innocent expression.

"Don't do that!" you replied, pointing your knife at him.

"Do what?"

"Whisper things in my ear then disappear!"

He smirked before tapping his chin in fake thought. "Hm, I don't recall doing that" he quoted, grinning.

You glared at him, folding your arms.

"Love your potions going to boil over."

You sighed and looked down, returning to your cutting after stirring the cauldron.

"Fine, maybe I did say that" you muttered.

"Pardon darling? I didn't quite catch that" he said, his grin widening.

"Fine, maybe I did say that" you said a bit louder, glaring at him.

"Thank you dear" he said smugly, before walking over sitting on the bench beside you.

"You look cute when you blush" he said.

"When did I blush??" you demanded, and he chuckled.

"You blush all the time my dear, but I do remember one particular incident where I kissed you on the forehead after telling... what ever her name is that I'm your boyfriend" he said, laughing as you punched him in the side.

"Are you always punching people?"

You both looked up to see Sharon and Steve standing in the doorway to the kitchen, Sharon looking disgusted and Steve looking excited.

"No not really, I prefer to stab people that piss me off, and you're getting pretty high on that list" you answered calmly, smirking as she shuffled closer to Steve.

"I have to refrain her from stabbing her friends on a daily basis" Loki said with a chuckle.

"That's because you're no fun" you answered with a pout.

"You know you love me" he said, kissing the top of your head. You blushed, internally cursing yourself as Loki grinned at your reaction.

"You're not a good a friend then" Sharon answered.

"Then why am I everyone's favourite in this tower?" you said, scraping the dandelion roots into the potion. It fizzed and bubbled before turning a murky brown colour. Steve watched excitedly.

"Not everyone."

You sighed.

"Really? And who would that be?" you said, not caring to look at her as you moved on, beginning to cut sparrow entrails.

"Me and Steve" she said smugly, folding her arms.

"Firstly, the correct grammar is Steve and I. Secondly, you don't count because you're only temporary. Thirdly, I'm ice block's bestie" you said.

Sorcery | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now