Part 40 | Varients

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"She's gone" you sighed, falling into Loki's lap in relief. "Finally."

"You look happy" Tony commented as Loki started gently braiding your hair.

"Well I just managed to rid the tower of our resident demon (If you get that, I love you), so yes, I'm happy" you grinned.

"Okay she wasn't that bad" Steve commented.

"And now I have a new mission" you smirked, indicating to Bucky who was trying to teach Sam gun spinning again.

"That wasn't what I asked you to do."

"Well it sucks that I don't listen to you" you grinned, kissing Loki on the cheek and running over to Bucky. "Hi Bucket."

"Don't call me that."

"Too late" you sang out, leaning over the back of Sam's chair. "So, are you still a bachelor?"

The soldier looked up at you suspiciously. "Who's asking?"

"No reason, answer the question."

"Yes, now you answer mine."

"I think you know who" you whispered, glancing over at Steve.

"Aren't you married? Go bother your husband" he mumbled, his cheeks reddening slightly as Sam grinned widely.

"I will" you smiled sweetly as Loki snickered behind you. "But I will not stop until you two are together."

"Can I help??" Sam begged. "Please please please?"

"You two are the worst" Bucky groaned as you nodded, high fiving the Falcon.

"Thank you" you smirked, bowing deeply. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have shit to do. Sam, don't break anything this time."

"I'll try" he saluted, trying to do a cool spin and drpping it on his foot.

"Who needs Tinder when you have me?" you grinned, sitting back beside Loki.

"What's Tinder my darling?" the God questioned, looking at you curiously.

"A dating app for mortals."

"Slightly pathetic" he snickered, returning to his earlier braiding. "Can't they just talk to each other face to face?"

"Apparently not" you shrugged. "They don't have very good people skills."

"Fair point, I don't have many."

"Annoyingly, your people skill aren't that bad" Nat admitted.

"Thank you Romanoff."

"Y/n's on the other hand..."

"Hey! I have amazing people skills!" you defended.

"You opened a portal through my ceiling and landed on one of my students" Strange commented.

"Firstly, when the hell did you get here, and secodnly, I said I was sorry!"

"He was just excited to meet the Emerald Sorceress" Wong chuckled.

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