Part 51 | Watch Your Back

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The elevator chimed, the metal doors sliding open to reveal Tony, and a nervous looking Peter.

Well, nervous was an understatement. He looked downright terrified.

And he had a right to be, as Loki was standing stiffly beside the couch, Nat flipping a knife threateningly in the corner.

"Hello" he said finally, the whole team looking up. "How is everyone?"

"Fine" Sam replied suspiciously, Redwing hovering over his head.

"Hi Peter" you greeted.

"Hi Miss Y/n" he mumbled, shuffling his feet. "Can I please speak to you privately?"

"Anything you have to say you can say right now" Loki interrupted, his glare unwavering.

"Right, sorry. Um, I just wanted to apologise. I don't know why I did what I did, and I feel terrible."

You watched him carefully. "You don't seem to be lying. Thank you for the apology. But I'm just letting you know that there's no way you catch me off guard again. Try anything and I'll leave you worse than you left me."

"And I don't think her husband is going to let that slip" Bucky commented, the teen glancing fearfully at Loki.

"I understand. I don't expect you to forgive me."

"Excellent, because you are not forgiven" Loki snapped.

"Loki" you sighed, the God glancing down at you. "Well Peter, welcome back I suppose."

"Watch your back" Nat muttered.

"Alright, c'mon kid" Tony said, leading him down to the lab. "We won't give you your suit back yet, but you can come on the ship with us as mission back up."

"Do you think he's really sorry?" Pietro asked, looking up from his FaceTime with Kate.

"I think so" Loki muttered. "I still don't trust him."

"We won't let anything happen brother" Thor reassured him, patting Loki's shoulder comfortingly. "I promise."

"Thank you" the God sighed, giving him a small smile.


"I swear, Hydra's like a cockroach" you grumbled, running onto the helicarrier that Tony was starting up. "They just keep coming back, no matter how many times you try to squash them."

"Wonderful analogy" Bruce chuckled, fiddling nervously with the edge of his shirt.

Nat walked in, tugging Peter behind her by his collar. "In the corner, don't move unless we tell you to or the ship is going to explode. Got it?"

The teenager nodded, smiling weakly at everyone as he sat where he was told.

"I think he should be able to fight" Steve said suddenly, much to everyone's surprise.

"Steve?" Bucky muttered, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You do remember what happened last time right?"

"Old age must finally be kicking in" you grinned. "Here comes dementia."

"Not with the suit" he continued. "Just give him a knife or something and he can help in hand to hand combat. Slowly work up to proving himself."

The team looked over at Peter, the boy sitting there silently.

"If you point that at me, it will end up where a knife shouldn't" you told him, conjuring a dagger and throwing it to him.

"I don't really know how-"

"You had no problem a while ago" Loki interjected. "So much as look at anyone the wrong way, and I'll remove your spleen."

Peter nodded fearfully, tucking the blade away carefully. "I'll do my best to help."

"I hope so" Tony sighed from the front as Clint, Pietro and Wanda stepped onboard, Wanda carefully lowering the supplies she had floated in onto the ground. "Alright, are we ready to go?"

*This timeskip was brought to you by the loveeeee shack! Love shack yeah yeahhhh-*

"I will give you mercy now, and let you run" the leader of the Hydra squadron yelled out to you all.

"Pietro! Get your ass back here!" You shouted, catching the speedster as he attempted to leave.

"He said we could run!"

"And we're the Avengers, so obviously we're not running" Sam flaunted proudly.

"What the pigeon said" you smirked, shoving the twin forward. "So now you're going first."

"Fine" he huffed, whizzing around and knocking them all out. "Are we done here?"

"Apparently not" Peter whispered worriedly as they all stood back up immediately.

"Next time hit them harder Pietro!" Wanda suggested, throwing men encased in red through the air.

"Apologies, sister mine."

"No sibling arguments, get it together" Steve instructed, catching his shield again as he and Bucky fought back to back.

"Lucky I don't have any siblings" Loki smirked, laughing as Thor pouted. "Just jesting brother."

"Good" the blonde-haired God grinned, blasting men down with lightening. "I was about to be very offended."

"Oh dear, we wouldn't want that would we" you chuckled as you spun two daggers, turning around as you felt a tap on your shoulder.

"Y/n, can you help me please?" Peter whispered, holding up the knife. "I don't really know how to use this, and I want to prove that I'm here to help."

You hesitated for a moment, before caving in. "Fine. But my threat from earlier still stands."

He nodded quickly, sighing in relief. "Thank you so much!"

"Don't thank me yet" you grimaced, giving Loki a look as the God watched closely. "You're not exactly in everyone's good books."

"Sorry" he mumbled, repeating what you shows him on a Hydra agent that jumped at him. "Congratulations by the way, with you and Loki."

"Thank you."


Guess who has a science essay due next Friday that they haven't even started because our teacher only told us three days ago and we still have to do the experiment for it? I love school

And I only need 700 more words and this is eligible for the Watty's!

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