5 • Saiki Family Dinner

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I internally giggled at his thoughts, but on the outside I just smiled at him. "Let's get going then! Wouldn't want to keep your Mom waiting!" With that I left the pinkette's room, not missing his thoughts about how bubbly I was when I decided to talk to him.

{ Remember:
1. ' ' = Thoughts
2. " " = Dialogue
3. " "+Bold = Telepathic Communication
4. [ ] = Point of View or Date&Time
5. { } = Author Notes
6. ( ) = Relevant Information
7. Bold+Italics = Universe's Answer }

[ 1st Person Point of View • Aiko Emiko ]

Wow... didn't think a flashback could take this long... Oh well! Let's continue!

[ Flashback: Dinner in the Saiki Household ]

We were all sitting at the table, Saiki was sitting next to me while his parents were across from us. 'Well? Are you two friends yet?' Kind of I heard the alien respond to his mother telepathically. "Why are you pushing her to be my friend so badly anyway?" Because she pities me I internally sweat dropped at my subconscious. I saw that Kurumi and Kuniharu were acting very lovey-dovey so I assumed the show already started. I let out a giggle at their antics, which caused everyone to look at me. "Hm? What are you laughing at?" You two "Oh! Sorry, you just remind me a lot of my own parents." I gave them a sheepish grin and scratched at the back of my neck. I had to hide my surprise at the fathers next thoughts though. 'WHAT?!? Are her parents dead?!? That's what it sounds like!!' Saiki just stared at me without thinking about anything. Kurumi calmed her husband down quickly though. "Stop overreacting Kuniharu! Her parents just live in America!" I blinked at the man before realization took over my features. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I said that in such a misleading way!" "It's fine! I just didn't know how to react is all!" I let out a sigh of relief, still internally chuckling at Kuniharu's misinterpretation.

We talked about a lot of different things while we ate. Eventually the topic shifted to what me and Saiki did while we were in his room. "I looked at some of his books while he watched TV. Nothing major." I shrugged, internally cackling at the misfortune I had brought upon Saiki. 'I take back what I said before. She's a demon.' I kept my cool at his statement as I watched Kurumi get angry at her son. 'WHAT?!? I sent you upstairs to talk!! And you couldn't even do that!' I externally panicked at the woman's anger and cleared things up. "Oh! I'm sorry if you got it wrong! I actually wanted that to happen! I'm not very good at talking anyway!" Everyone looked at me with varying expressions. Saiki looked at me like I was a Goddess (Again...), while Kurumi and Kuniharu looked at me in shock. "Oh!" I swear I could see flowers around the mother as she smiled at me. "It seems I got it wrong! My apologies! My son doesn't interact much so I assumed he was the cause of the silence..." I let out a feigned sigh of relief and gave Saiki a small thumbs up, signaling that I knew I just saved his ass. 'She really might be a Goddess...'

[ Time Skip: After Dinner ]

We just finished dinner and now we're just sitting at the table, talking. Kurumi let out an "Oh!" as she remembered something. "That's right! Ku, Aiko will be joining your school soon!" Saiki looked at me in shock, but it did make sense to him. His mother probably wanted him to have a new friend this year, which was true. Should I mention that while we were talking I casually slipped in for them to call me by my first name? Yeah, that happened. I was also allowed to call all of them by their first names now, Kusuo included. It actually internally shocked me when he told me to call him by his first name. He said it was because I was the only one he's met that actually respects his boundaries. I gave him a look that said I-Feel-Bad-For-You-But-I-Won't-Say-It, to which he just glared at me. I looked away whistling, making him roll his eyes.

I eventually had to go home so I thanked them for having me over. They insisted that Kusuo walks me home because it's late, so that led to now. Me and Kusuo walking to my home in silence. The silence was comfortable though, and the walk wasn't that long. "Thank you for walking me home, Kusuo. I hope we can talk again soon!" I waved at him and walked into my home. Though, I didn't fail to see the small smile the pinkette gave me after I left. He teleported home, leaving me alone in this plain house.

[ Flashback Over ]

WHEW... that's was a very long flashback. But you get the point now, right?

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