10 • Enter: Nakanishi Kouta

163 9 3

{ Remember:
1. ' ' = Thoughts
2. " " = Dialogue
3. " "+Bold = Telepathic Communication
4. [ ] = Point of View or Date&Time
5. { } = Author Notes
6. ( ) = Relevant Information
7. Bold+Italics = Universe's Answer }

[ 1st Person Point of View • Aiko Emiko ]

Kusuo and I had just arrived in front of the school gate. We watched as Mr. Matsuzaki harassed one of our fellow students about their uniform. Kusuo had his monologue about how he changed the world so that he looked more natural, and I just followed behind him. When we sat down he turned to face me and kept going even when I started talking, not listening to a word I said. To be honest... I didn't know what I was talking about either so I didn't really mind.

[ Later that Day ]

Nedou appeared next to us and started talking. He asked us if we wanted to get some ramen with him after school and was about to put a hand on my shoulder. Frankly speaking, I wouldn't have been entirely uncomfortable since I know that Nendou isn't a pervert, but apparently Kusuo didn't like the idea of Nendou's dumb-ness rubbing off on me. A baseball hit the boy right in the face, and Kusuo just stopped and turned around. He kept his monologue going about how people now heal abnormally fast, and I just stood next to him while watching Nedou yell at the people who hit the ball at his face. Soon enough, we kept walking towards the school. We watched a very stupid scene play out in front of the school gate before heading inside... but I didn't care all that much.


Me and Kusuo were just walking on our way home from school. We see a crowd gathered and looked to see what it was. There was a street magician and he called us over. I already knew what would happen and Kusuo saw the dove in the man's hat. Yet, we both stayed to watch the show. I decided to throw the man a bone and acted amazed by his show. He showed us a regular box and then made doves appear out of thin air. I knew he had just angled the box so that we couldn't see the patrician but on the outside I looked amazed. I looked at Kusuo with stars in my eyes and said "Wasn't that cool, Kusuo!?" The boy gave me a shrug before looking back at the show. I pouted at him for a second before looking to see what the man would do next. He told us his assistant would teleport from one box to another, and everyone walked away after he failed. Me and Kusuo just stood there, watching the man freak out about his failed trick. The man looked at us and Kusuo tapped his head. The man said he couldn't take money from him before realizing he had been suffocating his pet Dove. We listened to him ramble about his pathetic life for a few minutes after he took care of Pikko.

He eventually asked Kusuo to show him a trick after coming to the conclusion he wanted to become an illusionist as well. I heard his plan to get the man to give up and internally sweat dropped. 'This plan only gives you more attention...' Of course, I said nothing. I sat next to the wanna-be illusionist as he started speculating on what Kusuo would do. I had stars in my eyes as I watched Kusuo pull the wanna-be's assistant out of his bag. I stood up and ran right in front of the pinkette. "That was amazing, Kusuo! I didn't know you could do that!" Me and Kusuo heard the wanna-be sulking in the background but we both couldn't care less. Kusuo felt butterflies in his stomach and let out a small smile while I praised him on his trick. I knew what I was doing to the boy and I couldn't help myself! He looked as happy as he does when he eats coffee jelly! Eventually the illusionist interrupts my praises and Kusuo looks a bit annoyed. I knew why, it was pretty obvious even without reading his thoughts. The man made a weird hair metaphor before asking Kusuo to make him his apprentice. 'Good grief...'

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