6 • First Day of School

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{ Remember:
1. ' ' = Thoughts
2. " " = Dialogue
3. " "+Bold = Telepathic Communication
4. [ ] = Point of View or Date&Time
5. { } = Author Notes
6. ( ) = Relevant Information
7. Bold+Italics = Universe's Answer }

[ Time Skip: First Day at PK Academy ]

I got my schedule and because of anime logic, I was in Kusuo's class. Class 2-3. Amazing right? Note the sarcasm. Anyway, we were currently in an assembly and I was standing next to Kusuo, as usual. We actually had all our classes together so I just stuck with him. I didn't ever bug him though, much to his relief. I had actually asked him if I could hang out with him for the day.

[ Flashback: Before Akio's First Day ]

"Hey... Kusuo?" He tilted his head towards me to show he was listening. "Since we have all the classes together... could I just stick with you? I promise I won't bother you!" The pinkette didn't answer and I heard his thought process. 'Well, she's not that annoying... and she said she won't bother me...' Kusuo nodded his head and I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you..." He didn't respond. 'Huh... I wonder why I agreed...'

[ Flashback Over ]

I heard him monologue about how he could hear everyone's thoughts except Nedou's. I saw him glance at me before looking away. 'I wonder why I can't read her thoughts...' If only you knew Kusuo. We saw Takahashi pass out and how Nendou freaked out. A teacher told Ramen-Boy to take Takahashi to the nurse, then he turned to me a Kusuo to tell us to go with them. I heard Kusuo mentally say 'Damnit' while I let out a sigh.

[ Time Skip: The Nurse's Office ]

{ I know there's been a lot of back and forth... bear with me 😓 }

We got to the office to see it empty. Which Kusuo and I already knew but that's not the point. Nedou rambled a bit before coming to the conclusion he would have to give Takahashi mouth-to-mouth. The boy threw Mr. Buttchin away from him and proceeded to throw up in the sink, telling us he faked everything. Me and Kusuo just stood there, watching this play out. Eventually the gym teacher, Matsuzaki, made his appearance. He told Takahashi he heard everything, which led the boy to blaming everything on Nedou. Eventually Mr. Matsuzaki decided to notice Kusuo's and my existence, asking Takahashi why we were here. Takahashi half-heartedly told the teacher we were part of the ruse as well, which only pissed off the pinkette.

Eventually Nendou was stupid enough to say Takahashi had root sickness. They took the poor boys temperature, which Kusuo manipulated. Kusuo and I watched Takahashi be carried away into an ambulance from the window, I heard him monologue about his
pyrokinesis but I could care less. He looked to see me distracted by the window and decided to get rid of the broken thermometer before I came back to my senses. He used his power to burn the thermometer, which Nendou saw. Thankfully for Kusuo, Nendou is an idiot. I watched him be taken away in a stretcher and looked at him with teary-anime eyes. "I didn't know you were sick Kusuo..." I sniffed to hold back my tears, causing Kusuo to feel a twinge of guilt for making me almost cry. Sorry Bubblegum, but I have a role to play as well.

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