Chapter 33:archery

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Gu Li-juan was called to the 7th princess early in the morning.

Hu Ning and Gu Minzhe already know that Gu Li-juan will attend the hunting game.

Seeing their daughter's determine face,they defeatedly agreed,Gu Li-juan hug and kiss them when she achieve their permission and left happily.

She practiced for a day and she was praise for having an innate talent in archery,

Gu Li-juan just smile humbly but in her mind she is bragging

'Huh!if this grandpa didnt die early i wll surely become a mercenary queen!every assignment handle quickly and cleanly by me!'

She thought while imaginning herself being an action star!

After a day of practice she can hit the target 5 km. Away and they said for beginners it was already very good!.

After practicing to a steady target in one day the next day she was tought on how to shoot riding a horse.

At first she cannot grasp on how to do focus but later on she learned and after the she can easily hit the target even she is riding the horse.

But ofcourse the horse was only walking!

She dont have a godly assist that can easily master anything in just a day or two!

But she know she is extremely talented!

If she keep on practicing maybe a year she can be already a grand master archer!and later she can finally ascend!

The day of the hunting game Hu Ning specially make a riding outfit for her.

Although she can already ride the horse freely but she still choose to ride on her carriage!

Her father and two big brothers are riding their horse beside her carriage,Hu Ning didnt want to go but because she is worried about her daughter so she come along

"Mother Li-juan is excited!"

She said while smiling brightly

"Yes,but your mother is really worried!"

Hu Ning replied while sighing,Gu Li-juan grasp Hu Ning's hand and assure her

"Mother Li-juan promised that she will be careful!so please mother dont worry!"

Hu Ning smile

"I am a mother!and its mother's job to worry!"

Gu Li-juan's eyes fogged,her previous life her mother never cared and may even never loved her!

Having a mother like Hu Ning in this life is maybe her biggest gain!.

When they arrive at the hunting ground Gu Li-juan was called by the neighboring princess so she wave goodbye to her family and gracefully walk to the tent of the visitors

"Li-juan!are you excited?"

Princess Jing ask with her eyes shining,Gu Li-juan smile and nod

"Li-juan is really excited that cant hardly sleep last night!"

Princess Jing laugh and invite her to sit,she sit politely waiting for princess Chun.

"The men will go out first and maybe after an hour we can follow"

She said after a while,Gu Li-juan and princess Jing nod their heads in understanding,

Gu Li-juan bring out the snacks she made while waiting.

She made some mungbean cake,jujube cake,osmanthus cake and some plain biscuits.

"Highnesses please eat only a little,we will head out later"

The two princess nodded in understanding.

After an hour the three of them rode their horses and start hunting.

Gu Li-juan didnt wear a veil because it will only disturb her so when she got out the guards was frozen.

They never see such innocent face before!her eyes really suited her face!the clean and clear eyes together with innocent face was really dazzled them!

When they realized it was Duke Gu's youngest daughter Gu Li-juan they all nodded in approval!

Li-juan's name really suits her!graceful and beautiful!.

When the three arrived at the hunting ground they look around and found nothing so they decided to move deeper.

While walking Gu Li-juan sniff around and ask and smell something off,but she is not sure what is it,

She disregard it thinking that it was the natural smell of the forest.

They go deeper and when they heard a movement in a bush near them they readied their arrow!

They waited thinking it was just a small wild animal but they were shocked when they saw a huge brown bear!

Their horses for some unknown reason loose control and drop them before running!

Gu Li-juan saw that the other two girls was safe so she was relief,when they thought that there will be only bear another one appear!

Gu Li-juan and the other two didnt panick and start shooting,they want to weaken the bear so the guards could easily bring them down,

When the other bear was almost killed arrows was shot towards them hitting 3 guards.

The others was shocked and shout


Then the chaos start!

Gu Li-juan look around and found a relatively hidden place and pull the two princess,

While running the bear swang its claw towards them,Gu Li-juan protected the two so her arms was grazed by its claws.

Gu Li-Juan your name?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें