Route A - Whisper and Silver 🎨

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"Whisper, Silver, you guys are fantastic rangers... but you'll need another pair of fists to fight right up against that edgy kid." You threw your hands in the air, pumping them into fists and squeezing hard to show your power.

After the show you looked at your own one armored glove, a real danger to whoever's face was going to meet with it soon.

Sonic shrugged with a smile on his face, "Then it's settled, let's get going before the Deadly Six have a chance to get stronger."


The crowd of heroes cheered, tossing their hands in the air as Eggman flipped on the portal generator, "I've got the adjustments with the portal apertures done. Now get out of here you pests."

Of course, everyone ignored Eggman's 'insult' and carried on towards. Tails raced towards Eggman and double checked the evil genius's measurements. With a thumbs up, the little fox stood back ready for his own departure, "I've got all the coordinates set! Here, stand in a line and I'll generate them right in front of you."




You, Silver, and Whisper stood next to each other as you faced the horizon. Nothing caught your eyes until a green glow cast upon your faces as the portal began to spiral into view. With wide (e/c) eyes, you looked at the phenomena as if the magical green twisting time loop cast a spell.

"Good luck everyone. Wish I could come with you." Sonic, still running on the little treadmill, saluted each team as they began to jump through. Your teammates jumped through, leaving you to look at the blue hero and smile.

"We won't let you down Sonic."

"I know you won't (Y/n), now get out there and show those villains the hero you are!"

"How inspiring..." Eggman mumbled in the background, tinkering with Metal Sonic as he stood guard.

Like you were jumping off the back of the faceship again, you doubled back, skipping, and fell through the portal back first.

. . . . .

You were now successfully in Orchardville. In the shadows of a tree's canopy your tem crouched on a trick branch, spying on the large mechanical owl your target was typically flying around on. The giant metal bird banked to the left, hiding Zor from view.

Whisper had her sniper sights on him, shaking her head as the zette dodged out of sight, "No clear shot..."

You tilted your head to Silver, who was anxious to get this mission done so they could stop the virus, "Hey, could you maybe just grab it with your physic powers?"

"I'm not that precise... but..." The white hedgehog took a step forwards on the branch, narrowing his eyes at the strange purple, and angsty looking, teenage zette. "I can be direct if you can cover me."

Silver was about to leap forwards as the owl grazed by, but you caught his arm before he could jump. He hissed a little as you held him back, "What?-"

"I can tell you want to make this personal, but let's just get the gem and get out. Whisper." You turned to the masked wolf, who continued to look through her sights, but you saw her ear flick towards you as she listened, "you cover Silver like he mentioned, and I'll take the giant owl. We can ground the target and take away his advantage."

"Roger." The sniper nodded, and Silver shrugged and tilted his head back and forth as your plan made good sense.

"Good." You focused on the robot owl again, your eyes tracking it like a laser guided missile. "Silver, you go when he gets close again..."

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