Chapter 1: A Tough Start to this Wonderful Adventure!

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            Somwhere in the United States
            Spring, 20XX
            A day like any other. Y/N L/N, a 16 year old teen, with messy brown hair and purple eyes was walking down the street from a local shop, with a bag of products his mother had instructed him to buy. He wore a normal black hoodie, a pair of jeans, and some cheap sneakers. To top his outfit off he had a scarf that was given to him by his dad. Of course, why would he need a scarf in the spring, you ask? Well, he asked the same question and was only met with: 'Because I say so', the most parent response ever.
            "Why do I even need this scarf? I admit, it is a little chilly, but the store is literally a few minutes on foot. There isn't enough time for me to even catch a cold. Alright, whatever, I should be home soon."
            When the boy thought about that, the crossing separating him from his apartment came into view. When suddenly...
            *bzzz*.  .  .  *bzzz*
            That was his phone reminding him of its existence. The teen swiftly pulled it out of his pocket, wondering what people would want from him this time. When he was checking his phone, he didn't notice that his legs had guided him to the other side of the street,-
            "'I'm throwing a party this saturday, my parents won't be home for the whole day', oh, sweet! I'll definitely-
            *HONK*   *HOOONK*   -and in true isekai fasion, he was run over by a truck.
            "OH SHI-"

            After these infamous lines he was met with nothing but darkness and silence. Until...
            "*Gasp*, WHA- what is this..? W-Where am I?" Y/N began to ponder to himself while also scanning the surroundings. His eyes where checking every inch of the dark room he found himself in. He was seated in a comfortable wooden chair, that was standing on the floor that had a chessboard-like pattern. In front of him was another wooden chair, but this was one, was white, and next to it was a small wooden piece of furniture that resembled a dresser. Also white, I may add. On the small dresser-like thingy was a single book.
            While checking the area, he heard footsteps from behind him, and when he turned around in his chair he did not expect to see what he saw. A beautiful women with waist-long, light blue hair and a sleeveless dark-blue feather dress with white trimmings, wearing an extremely short dark blue miniskirt, (Y/N could swear that she didn't wear any panties, but whatever, that's not important right now). The woman also wore thigh-high blue heeled boots over white stockings with blue trimmings. Her beauty could be described in only one word: heavenly.
            The teen couldn't get his eyes off of her when she passed him and sat in front of him on the white chair, crossing her legs.
            "Y/N L/N, welcome to the afterlife."
            "The afterlife? OH, the afterlife! That's right, I died! I... I died..."
            After the goddess said those words, the boy suddenly remembered how he ended up here.
        "Unfortunetly you passed away a few moments ago.... And now you are dead."
            "W-Well that sucks. There was still so much things I wanted to do... I won't be able to see my family again... and my friends, and loved ones..." When the teen said those words, the women, couldn't help but roll her eyes because she heard the exact same words so many times before and was getting a little annoyed by it.
            "Wh-What about my family? Are they-"
            "*Groan* Look I don't know and I don't care; just listen to what I am about to tell you, and be on your way." Said the annoyed 'goddess' apparently.
            "What the hell is her problem?"
            "Anyway, my name is Aqua and I guide the people who died at a young age. I will now give you two options. One: you can go to heaven, or two: you can be reborn in your world as a baby. But I will give you a quick pro tip: heaven sucks."
            "Huh... really?"
            "Yeah, you can only bask in the sunlight there. You don't even have a physical form, sooo I wouldn't really recommend going there. And starting from scratch as a baby is also not ideal, right?" After sayng those words, a smirk appeared on her face as she was about to execute her master plan to dump another innocent person to this good for nothing world.
            "Yeah, I guess so. So what are you proposing?" The boy said with a hint of curiosity in his voice.
            "You like games, right?"
            "Then, I have a THIRD option for you. You can be reincarnated in a fantasy world, with your body and memories!" The goddess shouted with a little more enthusiasm in her voice. "This world is currently in grave danger, because of the Demon King and his minions, who mercilessly kill everyone who gets in their way; they plunder every city and town they come across, and because of that no one is able to sleep peacefully!" Aqua said, exaggerating every word. "And that's when YOU come out on the scene! You can choose whatever thing you want with you, wheter it be a weapon, a talent, ANYTHING YOU WANT! And with that new power slay the Demon King and bring peace to the world! Now that doesn't sound so bad, huh?"
            "Hmmm... I only have one question though. Can I be able to speak or write in the language of this world?" Y/N, who was listening very carefully to every word  Aqua spoke, asked a very important question.
            "Ah, you don't have to worry about that." She said while showing the book to the boy. "With our divine help we can just transfer all the important knowledge of the language and the alphabet straight to your brain. Buuuut there may be a slight chance that your brain will overload because of all the new information and you will go POOF, BUT, don't worry about it, it's very rare!" She said all of this while smiling innocently.
            "... You just said something very important right now." The boy said with a deadpan expression.
            "No, I didn't." The blue thing said, still smiling.
            "... Is she really supposed to be a goddess?"
            "Alright, now it's time to choose!"
            5 minutes later
            Y/N was seating on the floor looking at various possible things to choose from in deep thought, while Aqua was sitting in her chair getting a snack.
            "Oi, you done already?" She said in a monotone voice while shoving a chip in her mouth.
            "Just wait a moment, I'm still thinking."
            "Oh, come on! You've been thinking for like ten minutes! It really isn't that hard!" Aqua said, clearly annoyed at the young boy sitting in front of her on the floor. He was in deep gamer mode, carefully choosing the thing to bring with him, when he was startled by her outburst, making him shout back at her.
            "Well if you can just sit there patiently on your annoying butt, then maybe I will end up choosing something! My very life will depend on what I am about to choose!" Y/N shouted back at her making her more annoyed. "Besides, don't you have an entire eternity here? You can wait another 5 minutes!"
            "You shitty NEET! Just pick something and get out of my sight! I still have other people to take care of!"
            "What the hell is a NEET?!"
            After another 5 minutes of arguing...
            "If you don't get out of here in 10 seconds I will pick something for you!" Aqua angrily shouted, not hiding her anger and vexation anymore.
            "That's not fair! Because of your yelling, I couldn't concentrate! Just shut up and wait!"
            "How dare you talk like this to a goddess like me!" Aqua yelled, clearly taken aback by the now frustrated teen.
            "You still call yourself a goddess!? Is that really how a goddess should act?!"
            "Don't you dare lecture me, you stupid hikiNEET! JUST PICK THE STUPID THING AND GO!"
            "OK, just shut up already! I pick this one, alright?! Give me this and get me out of here already, you shitty excuse of a goddess!"
            "Finally! Oh my heavens! Took you long enough!" As she said that, she snapped her fingers and a blue circle illuminated the floor Y/N was standing on.
            "Don't you think that you won't get some divine punishment for insulting a goddess just like that!" Aqua cried out as the boy was slowly rising higher.
            "Yeah, yeah, whatever, just get me out of here." Said Y/N clearly unbothered by her threat, but then he remembered something.
            "Wait, what did I end up picking again?"
            "With pleasure." The goddess said while frowning, interrupting his train of thought, and the boy disappeared.
            Before he realized it, he stood outside of what appeared to be a huge gate made out of cobblestone and gray bricks.
            The begginer city of Axel
            Axel. A place many adventurers start their... well, adventure. It is also a place to where the annoying blue thing sends reincarnated people from Earth. The city was surrounded by a big, sturdy, wall serving as a first line of protection against any external threats. There also was a small river flowing through the city serving as a fishing spot and also as a popular playing field for the children on hot days.
            When Y/N started to scout the surroundings, he turned around only to see a wide, dirt path along the massive, green fields and a forest extending over the horizon.
            And there he stood. Still processing where he was when something dangling from his hip caught his attention. It was the item he had picked.
            "Oh thats right! So i ended up picking..."
            Y/N unsheathed the sword from its resting place and was met with a wave of disappointment. He picked a normal, regular sword. Not some super awesome power, not some legendary weapon, but a normal, sword that was the same length as his outstretched arm. But he had to admit that it really looked like something straight from heaven. The blade was made out of some unknown material that looked like a combination of silver and diamond, and it was razor sharp. The grip was made out of an aluminum-like material. The hilt was devoid of hand guard. The pommel had an engraved symbol that looked like angel wings. Not even the finest smiths in the world could come close to this level. But as far as he knew, it was an ordinary sword with no cool abilities. Not to even mention, that he didn't know how to use a sword in the first place.
            He couldn't finish bringing his frustration to light, because now all the eyes of the guards outside of the gate were on him. And not only were guards having a hard time figuring out what's going on in the head of this weird dressed young boy, but regular passerby too. All eyes were on him.
            "... Uh... sorry... ." Slowly a tinge of red crept up on his cheeks. "I-I'll be on my way now, so you can stop staring at me like that, haha..."

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