Chapter 44: Proving the Worth of these Flat Chests!

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Megumin, who should've been sitting in a jail cell for attempted terrorism, was standing right here. She was too star-struck to do anything other than wait for us to somehow reply to her sudden appearance.

"Wow... We're really famous! Hehe, after all, we have a bounty of 200 million eris on our heads!"

"I don't think that's a reason to be pleased, Big Boss..."

Kazuma and Chris kept murmuring between each other, while the awestruck Megumin kept her eyes glued at me. She was so amazed that her eyes began to glow a strong red hue from all the emotions she was feeling.

"Wait, does she know Assistant-kun's identity? She's staring right at him."

"Megumin can be smart when she wants to be, so maybe... What do we do now, Big Boss?"

Megumin started to blush from the excessive exposure to my cool and sexy thief alter ego.

"At least try to not be so obvious!"

Breaking the awkward silence, Kazuma altered his voice so Megumin couldn't recognize him, and spoke up:

"Ahem...! Yes, we're the Silver-Haired Thieving Group. And you're... Megumin, right? You see, we're in the middle of an important-"

"You're going to infiltrate that mansion, right?! The reputation of that noble isn't very good, so it must be it, right?! I believe! I believe you can do it!"

Megumin was being too loud, so I promptly put a hand over her mouth to shut her up.

"L-Let me talk to her."

I noticed that Kazuma must've altered my voice too, when I said that. He doesn't know that Megumin knows, after all.

I dragged her a little further away from the group and slowly removed my hand from her mouth.

"Y/N, Y/N, you're going to infiltrate that mansion with your fellow thieves in the name of chivalry, right?! I can't believe it's happening! Is this a dream? Am I dreaming? I can't believe I can witness the Silver-Haired Thieving Group in action! Can I help? I want to help! I want to contribute to the goal! Oh, can I join you? Can I join your thieving group? Y/N-"

I quickly covered her mouth.

"... Listen, first, you need to calm down. They don't know that you know, so try to not give out many signs that point to that fact. Now, I'm going to remove my hand, so promise me you'll be quiet."

She nodded, trying to keep her excitement in check.

I carefully removed my hand, and surprisingly, she stayed calm.

"*Sigh* What are you doing here, anyway? Aren't you supposed to be in jail?"

"They were scared and released me after I told them that my man is a famous adventurer and will fight his way through the entire police station to rescue me."

"Don't say stuff that can land me in jail, too. Just admit that Darkness bailed you out... Come to think of it, she did mention something about you getting released, earlier."

"By the way, Y/N. Why do you sound so weird? Do you not trust your comrades enough, so you hide your real voice from them? Fufufu, I see. Even though you work in a group, you still have this lone wolf approach. Very cool! Yes, it certainly fits my Crimson Demon aesthetics!"

"I told you to calm down! Ka- I-I mean, Lowly Assistant casted a spell that changes our voices. Look, nevermind, just, you can't be here, okay? I know you want to stay, but it'll be dangerous. Just go home. When I get back, I'll tell you how the infiltration went, alright?"

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