Chapter 41: Bug Season!

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We moved by the eerily empty corridors, in the direction indicated by Chris' Treasure Detection skill. Since there was no light to help us navigate the dark hallways, Kazuma led the way with the help of his Farsight skill.

"Hey you two, can you not stop every time we find some treasure? Let's get the divine relic and go home to sleep."

"Ugh, I understand, but... My thief's blood begins to boil whenever I see some treasure. Just think of all the poor children I can give away this money to..."

"You can sneak in here and steal all of this after we're done with our mission... At least your reason is charitable, though..." A sigh escaped from underneath Kazuma's mask as his eyes fell on my bulging pockets.

Whenever we came across paintings or ornaments, Chris would stop moving. She stared at the treasure having an internal battle with herself.

As for me, I'd just take every small thing that looked valuable and shove it into my pocket.

"Hey, we're already thieves. What's wrong with gaining some extra profit?" I said in a hushed tone, putting an expensive piece of jewelry in my pocket.

"Everything is wrong with that! We're the good kind of thieves. We're doing this for a good cause; not to get rich."

"We're here for a massive piece of armor; they won't even notice a few costly pieces of jewelry disappearing."


"E-Eh? Big Boss...!"

In a flash, all my rightfully stolen loot disappeared out of my pockets, and found itself in Chris' hand.

"Lowly Assistant's right. We're not here to get rich. The reputation of the Silver-Haired Thieving Band will be in shambles after the public gets to hear that we stole just to get rich. And of course, as a goddess I can't allow you to simply steal in front of my eyes." Chris twirled the golden necklace in her hand and lectured me.

"The very same goddess that raids and steals from noble's houses?"

"I-It's for a good cause! You'll get divine punishment if you keep acting like this, Assistant-kun! For example, every time you wake up and want to do your morning poop, it won't come out. But once you leave the house, it'll hit you at the most inopportune times."

"Forgive my imprudence, Eris-sama."

I bent down, presenting the rest of the treasure I took, with both of my hands.

"Y-You had more?!"

"You kleptomaniac, hand it over! Why were you so willing to go on this heist only to just mess around like that? Just because the mansion's unprotected doesn't mean you have to pull stunts like that." Kazuma snatched the treasure from me and put it away on a nearby dresser.

"Okay, fine, I'm sorry. It's not like I wanted the treasure all to myself anyway..." I mumbled, pouting.

"What, wanted to give some to Megumin? You think she'd appreciate you stealing jewelry for her? ... Actually, don't answer that."

"Enough chit-chatting, assistants. Let's find this relic, and get out of here already."

-With the help of Chris' Treasure Detection skill, we finally arrived at a thick door.

Kazuma and Chris stopped in their tracks. Probably their skills responded to something behind the door.

"There seems to be a trap here. Let me see... Oh. It's an alarm trap... Say, Lowly Assistant-kun."

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