Chapter 38: Kingsford Zeldman!

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In an elegant cafe, in the downtown of Axel.

Chris had returned from her stay in the capital, after sweeping our mess under the rug. In a secluded establishment, me and Kazuma recounted all the commotion that transpired in the abscence of our Big Boss.

"-And then, I called her 'Deserted-Wife-Ness', and she shut herself in her father's home. Now I can't get her to come out... Guess we'll have to plan another infiltration."

"Who's this 'we' you're talking about? I have the ability to learn, Kazuma. You're not gonna make me go through that hell again."

"Your learning abilities are on par with Aqua's. Besides, I'll cut your allowance if you won't come."

"... You monster."

Apart from us, there weren't any other customers in the shop. It was a real shame; the place looked nice and had good drinks.

Maybe I can even take out Megumin to enjoy some nice drinks here...

"So, everything's as usual? Just don't bully Darkness too much, okay? She might look strong, but she's actually really delicate, you know?"

"Just what part of her is delicate...?"

"I mean, when she uses her brain instead of her muscles to think... No, still don't see it."

"You two are really the worst!"

"Yeah, yeah. By the way, what've you been up to, Chris? It sure took you some time to return from the capital." Kazuma asked.

On Chris' frowning face appeared a nervous smile. She scratched the scar on her cheek awkwardly.

"Ara- I was busy with some other things. Recently I was near Axel, but I was called to go to some other place. Just now I managed to come back, after settling my backlogs."

Saying this, she laid on the table and streched lazily.

Thinking about it, we don't know very much about Chris. We only know that she's a thief and Darkness' first friend. And now, she's also involved in those divine relics, too... Just by whom was she called?

"What, some kind of thieves' guild called you or something?" I inquired and laid back in my chair.

"W-Well there are all sorts of things to settle after people die, right?"

"... That sounded really ominous."

"Are you part timing in a funeral house?"

Chris didn't reply. She simply sighed deeply and drank her now cold coffee.

I know it's rare for me, but I really started to think about what Chris meant. That answer stood out too much. She could've said anything, but said this particular thing.

It implied many things. Maybe covering her tracks after a murder? Maybe mourning her relative or a friend? Or maybe she really is part timing in a funeral house...

I crossed out the possibility of her attempting a murder. She's a Thief, not an Assassin like me. And also, it's Chris we're talking about. The best she'll do is steal all your money, depriving you of a stable and happy future. She won't kill, even if someone pays her.

"Wait, can I kill for a living, since I'm an Assassin?"

... Probably. But do I want to?


Anyway, the second guess was that she was mourning someone. Definitely more plausible than murder. But her reaction wasn't really convincing. If she were to mourn someone she was close with, she most likely would've had trouble speaking about it. Her response was more nervous than anything.

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