Chapter 21: Bathing Buddies and the Witch Hunt!

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"Damn it! I wanna talk with whoever's in charge! I'm gonna give them a piece of my mind!"

"Why did we have to come here too...?"

"If we all complain together, it will have a more powerful effect!"

Instead of retreating back to the inn after our failure of a date, we bumped into Kazuma and Darkness. Kazuma was so furious that he dragged us along to the main Axis Church and wanted to speak with whoever was in charge, like a true middle-aged woman. Darkness, on the other hand, as an Eris cultist was treated worse than actual trash. She enjoyed that with every fiber of her being.

Hearing Kazuma's enraged shouts, an Axis priestess came to check up on what was going on.

"Oh, my! Whatever is the matter? Are you here for conversion? Baptism? Or... maybe you're here for... me?"

"F-For you?"

""So easy."" We replied with Megumin in unison, causing Kazuma to flinch.

"Y-You two have no room to be talking!"

"Hahaha! I'm just joking! Don't take me seriously, come on!" The pristess laughed.

"Our high priest, Zesta-sama, at the moment is out screwing around while proselytizing-" "I just heard something very concerning." "-that is, he's spreading the word of our glorious Aqua-sama. So I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to come back another time." She informed us.

"Wait a moment. Did an Arch-Priest with blue hair come by here?" Kazuma asked.

"Ah, yes. She's currently in the confessional booth. By the way, the woman you came here with is being stoned by children." The priestess added with an innocent smile.

Kazuma bolted outside to get Darkness, once he heard the news, leaving me and unusually quiet and shivering Megumin alone.

"Hey, you okay, Megumin? You're unusually quiet..."

Getting a closer look, she had absolute terror on her face while staring with dead eyes in the distant nothingness.

"Y/N... home... I want... home..."

"Great, they broke her."

"Y/N, you're coming with me." Kazuma ordered immediately after returning with a blushing and panting Darkness.

"What do you want from me this ti- Why is Darkness turned on?"

"Am... not..."

We left Megumin to her own devices, and Darkness who was in her own world, to get Aqua back.

When we were by the confessional, we heard someone's voice inside.

"I have been a member of the Axis faith and worshiped Aqua-sama for my whole life... But! The bountiful chest on the portrait of the goddess Eris! It leads me astray! That chest is a chest of a devil! Please forgive my sinful ways..."

"These people are truly hopeless..."

And then, on the other side of the confessional we heard Aqua's voice.

"Rest easy. God forgives all. Thou shalt love big breasts. Thou shalt love small breasts. The Axis faith teaches forgiveness in all things. Whether you're a lolicon or a NEET, or a questionably-human fan of animal-eared girls. As long as you're not interested in undead or devil girls, you have love in your heart and you do not break the law, all will be forgiven."

"I think I heard enough."

The man in the confessional started shedding tears and wailing loudly.

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