Bad news

860 22 14

Hey. First of all, you all will be mad at me, and that's understandable; I'd be too. Or at least, people who still follow this fic will. After telling myself and all of you that I'm not going to stop and that I'm going to continue writing this fic no matter what... I'm doing just that. At least for now, I don't have any plans to continue the story. And there are a few factors to it that, I hope, you will understand and maybe be a little less mad and disappointed.
First of all, I have almost no free time. Now that summer is here, school ends, and the sun cooks me alive, I'd rather spend that time outdoors with my friends, or at least do anything else other than die inside my house because of heatstroke. I had very little free time to begin with, but I realize that it's entirely my fault. I'd spent, like, a year at this point writing this story relentlessly with only a few breaks, and I've been progressively more burned out by the day.
Second of all, I don't really care about Konosuba that much. I mean, it's still my top anime and series overall, but I don't feel the same hype and excitement about it as I used to. I thought that after the Megumin spin-off was released, it'd reignite this feeling, but that didn't happen. And this passion and phase I had for this series were basically one of the biggest factors that kept me going all this time. Without it, I don't really have the motivation to keep going.
The third reason is pretty simple, and that's burnout. After taking breaks, doing things that help deal with burning out, and all that, I just don't have it in me to sit and write it, even when I'm bored. Waiting and doing nothing about it, giving myself more breaks without any updates, would just kill this fic more.
And the final reason is that I want to focus on something else. I've been planning to write something that's not fanfiction but an original story that I've been planning on the sidelines while working on this fic. I'm still burnt out, but I figured that working on something new and original would help me overcome this, and if not, at least I wouldn't have to worry about this fic and could take as many breaks as I wanted.
So that's that. I'm not promising anything (I've already underdelivered enough, anyway), but maybe someday I'll pick up this fic again. But again, that's very unlikely. I know that the fic lost its popularity, but there are still people who read it and follow it, or some who are just starting to discover it. If you're one of them, there's nothing more I can say than sorry. I've been feeding you all and myself with false promises that eventually amounted to nothing but apologies.
I still thank you all for following me and reading my work all this time, because if not for you, I probably wouldn't even consider becoming a fully-fledged author in the future at all. I'm sorry again, and goodbye.

Konosuba - Megumin x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz