Chapter 17: The Troll Master, Vanir!

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"Satou Kazuma! When we looked into the strange monsters all around town, we found them to be coming from Keele's Dungeon that your party entered the other day!"

"Forget the dungeon, I want to know what you and Darkness have been up to."

"Like I said, it's not true! Why do you all believe her?!"

"It's not that fun when you're on the receiving end, huh?"

Inside Darkness' family estate, I finally had the opportunity to repay Kazuma for all the teasing. Oh, and also there was the matter of those dolls or something, but that wasn't as important.

"Focus, Satou!" Sena snapped us back to reality.

"L-Look, you can't just blame everything on us!" He stammered.

"Pretty sure she only means you, not us."

"Just in case, you guys don't know anything about this, right?" Ignoring my response, he questioned.

"Unless it has something to do with Explosion magic, it means nothing to me." Our Crimson Demon said with a blank face.

"Same for me. I haven't done anything to cause trouble." The perverted Crusader replied.

"Does it look like I can summon monsters?" The cowardly Assassin, aka me, said sarcastically.

"And you?" Kazuma turned to Aqua, who was for some reason in a maid costume.

"Of course not! You're really doubting me way too much! If anything, thanks to me, there should be fewer monsters in that dungeon!" The self-proclaimed goddess and also our resident Arch-Priest, said proudly.

"...Get over here." Kazuma said, and took Aqua to the side.

"Oh boy..."

"Keep talking..."

"Well, you see-"


"-the magic circle I drew in that lich's room really means business, you know?"


"It should still be intact, with any evil entities, being unable to appraoch it!"


"What did you just say...?"



Long story short, when Kazuma and Aqua went down to Keele's Dungeon, they met its creator – Keele. He transformed himself into a lich to save his wife and has been inside that dungeon ever since. His wife passed away, but he remained as the immortal lich. Aqua created a magic circle and purified him at his command, so he could be united with his long-gone wife. We suspected that since this magic circle was so powerful, every 'evil entity' as Aqua put it, would stay away from it and wander off to the surface. And so we had to get rid of the circle and find out who was creating those dolls.

The sun had already set. We were on our way once again to Keele's Dungeon. All the way from Darkness' family home, Aqua was sobbing with a big bump on her head. I think I don't have to say that she deserved it, because she absolutely did.

"It shouldn't be my fault..." She cried.

"It's like this every time! Are you going to be sick if you don't screw things up for us? I managed to get Sena off our case, but if we don't erase that magic circle... Ah, by the way, what's up with those monsters, Y/N? Did you and Megumin get-"

"Not another word!"


"... I was going to ask if you and Megumin got some info on them..."

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