Chapter 25: Let's Rescue this Hopeless Leader!

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"This unbelievable man! How could he do something like this to us?!"

Since the teleportation incident, Darkness has been yelling and breaking random things all the way back to our mansion.

She opened the door with a bang, almost tearing it off its hinges. Poor Chomusuke that's been sleeping soundly on the sofa, got up shocked to her core, and ran away to presumably Megumin's room.

"I told him not to do anything stupid! I told him more than once, that his head will roll if he even thinks about pulling some foolish stunt!" Darkness snapped and threw herself on the sofa, where Chomusuke had previously been resting, with a depressed groan.

"Darkness, you destroyed a table, a few chairs, and cracked a brick wall on our way here. All of those things were from the same outdoor restaurant we were passing. I think you need to-"

"'Calm down'?! Don't ask me to calm down after this! It's always like that, honestly! He always says how useless we are and whatnot, but he's not better than us! He always has to make the dumbest decisions in our party! Just like he let himself get captured by Sylvia and unlock that weapon for her!" She ended her tirade with heavy panting.

"I guess I'll just shut up for now..."

This was the first time in my life when I saw Darkness this furious.

She completely abandoned her noble mask and went into full rage mode. And I kinda got where she was coming from.

"Yeah, you're right, Darkness! Who does he think he is?!" Aqua needlessly added fuel to the fire.

"He's been blessed with such a wonderful Arch-Priest like myself, and he still chooses to go after that princess girl! I won't even be surprised when it turns out he doesn't plan to go back to us!"

"Guys, I don't think-"

"You know what? Why not just claim this mansion for ourselves? It's clear that he won't come back to us. He didn't even hesitate before going into that teleport spell, so it's clear he doesn't want to come back!"

"Can I spea-"

"Yeah! You're right, Aqua! He doesn't need us anymore! We can remake his room into some sort of storage or a guest room. It's not like he-"

"Shut up, all of you!"


"First of all, I was the first one to call dibs on the mansion, so it's mine now. Second, I don't think he would leave us like that. I mean, sure, he is an asshole sometimes... well, most of the time, but abandoning us just like that? I don't think that even he would be capable of that." I explained slowly to the two.

"Then how do you explain, him not even hesitating for a second, not even telling us a single word, to teleport to the capital with the princess?" Darkness asked with a voice full of spite.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you all this ti-"

"There's no explanation for that! After all those good and bad moments shared with us, he chooses a young girl instead of us! I thought that Y/N was a lolicon, but Kazuma just became somehow even worse!"

"Can you stop cutting me off for five minutes?! And what was that about me being a lolicon? You gave us your stupid blessing, make up your mind already!"

After taking some deep breaths, I continued.

"I've been trying to say that he didn't do this on purpose."



"The princess grabbed his hand and teleported him with her. You saw him waving her goodbye, right? He wasn't planning to go with her."

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