Chapter 39: Choose Your Goddess!

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One day after Emperor Zell's birth.

"... Hey Kazuma. Can you not eat eggs in front of Emperor Zell? I feel that the kid's shivering as it looks at you." Aqua said while feeding bread crumbs to the yellow fur ball.

"Isn't it a dragon? If so, it has no reason to fear someone like me... Rather, can you do something about Vanir's empty shell? Its sense of presence is too strong. I can't eat in peace while that thing's staring. And also, Y/N's going crazy because of it."

"I'm not crazy! I swear this thing moved!"

"Stop spewing nonsense and get out of the corner already!"

I was currently sitting with my knees to my chest in the corner of the room. Accompanying me was clearly the superior fur ball – Chomusuke. The little one was keeping vigilance against Emperor Zell.

Last night I wanted to get some water in the middle of the night and forgot about Emperor Zell's temporary nest.

The last time I was this scared was when Aqua exorcized the spirits on our first night in this mansion.

"I can somehow understand Y/N, but what's up with Chomusuke? Is it afraid of that chick?" Kazuma asked and pointed with his chopsticks at the cat in my arms.

"Probably because of magic power." Megumin replied, biting into her toast.

"Magic power?" Kazuma cocked his head.

"Yes. Magic power. I can sense great magic power from Emperor Zell."

"... From that yellow nugget?"

"It's probably because it received magic power from the most magically powerful people in this city, namely Aqua, Vanir, Wiz, and myself, when it was still in the egg. Dragons incubate by channeling magic power into their eggs to keep them warm, allowing the baby dragons to hatch with great magic power. It's a famous legend, but it's surprising that the same phenomenon happened with a chicken egg..."

I actually forgot that Megumin can be smart when she wants to.

"Wait, so is it really possible for this chicken to grow into an OP weapon we can use against the Demon King?"

"Nope. It's just a chicken after all. It can't use magic, it can't fly like a dragon, and it can't exhale dragon breath."

"... Then maybe it will awaken to great power one day? Like, it would still be a chicken, but a very powerful one?"

"That's impossible. Magic power can control aging and extend one's lifespan, but this kid's just an ordinary chicken. It won't awaken any special power. At most, it'll use its vast magic power to frighten off wild monsters."

"Why is that you always act smart to crush my dreams?"

"I'm not acting smart! You think the title of the greatest genius among the Crimson Demons is just for show?"

"Then, I can use the Drain Touch skill to use this fellow as a substitute manatite and replenish magic power, right?"

"That won't work either. It's just an ordinary chicken. If you're not careful, you can drain its life force and it'll die."

"... The only use I see for this thing is to fatten it up and eat it."

"... I'm with Y/N on this one. If I eat this fellow, will it instantly boost my magic power?"

"... I don't know. I don't really want to do that since it's cute, but if it can instantly increase magic power, it might be worth a try."

"If you're really going to eat my kid, then get lost! Darkness, you must protect Emperor Zell from these three!"

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