Chapter 49: Burdens of an Assassin and the Woes of an Archwizard!

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"Let me go! Let me go, you pervert! Who's going around grabbing young and helpless girls in the middle of the night?! If you won't step out of the way, you'll suffer my already boiling fury!"

I don't know for how long I've been wandering aimlessly through the night, screaming at the top of my lungs. The dinner back home probably got cold a long time ago by that point, and the others surely were restless, pacing back and forth while mumbling to themselves, Where would our Megumin be?

Searching for her idiot boyfriend, of course. He's gonna pay for sneaking out like that and giving me a heart attack! But first...

"H-Hey, don't say it like that! I'm a cop, the one who punishes those people! And frankly, I've received numerous complaints of a Crimson Demon girl disturbing the peace in the middle of the night. Do you have any idea how late it is? Where are your parents?"

"Don't patronise me old man! I wasn't kidding when I warned you about my fury! Do you know who I am?!"

"Do you want me to add threatening a police officer to your list of offences, little girl?! Want me to fetch your parents to... Wait a second."

Suddenly, the policeman's eyes widened in realisation as he shined his patrol lantern right at my face. I squinted my eyes and tried to turn away, but that didn't hinder his abrupt realisation.

"O-Officer, I can't see; put that thing away...! You're hurting an innocent maiden in the cover of the night. Truly despicable for a knight of the law! Do you intend to blind me so I have a harder time escaping from your depraved clutches?!"

"Quit the theatrics already! You're that brat that keeps casting Explosion magic outside the town, aren't you? Do you have any idea how many complaints we've received because of you?! I had to work overtime just to sort through that massive pile of papers, and because of that, I missed my only daughter's birth! My lovely Himari-chan didn't get to see her papa the day she came to this world because of you!"

"How should I know my actions have consequences? Enough of that, release me! I have an urgent matter to attend to!"

"Oh, I'll release you, alright. In the detention centre. Let's go."

"N-No, wait! Okay, I feel bad about what I did! I'm sorry about you missing Hakari's birth or whatever, now let me go!"

"It's Himari! H-I-M-A-R-I! I've had enough of this, kid! Now, follow me or I'll extend your punishment!"

"Fine," I sighed reluctantly, only to quickly perk up shortly and point behind him, shouting in feigned surprise, "Ahhh! The Silver Haired Thief Gang!"

"... You really think you're funny? Let's see if staying in prison for a year is funny!"

"Wait, please, it was just a joke! Please forgive an innocent maiden like me, I promise I won't do it again!"

"You can reconsider your choices in jail,"

He replied grimly.

"Fine, if that's how it's going to be, then that's fine by me. I'd rather we die together than go to jail! Crimson-black blaze, king of myriad worlds, though I promulgate the laws of nature-!"

Seeing the threatening rings of light appear above our coordinates, he quickly released me.

"You crazy brat! Okay, okay, stop!"

"See you, officer! Enjoy your time with Himkari or whatever her name was!"

I taunted as I hurried back to the mansion with a mischievous grin plastered on my face.

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