Chapter 28: Silver Haired Thieving Group, Go!

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"I could swear I saw you somewhere before..."

"It's because you did! Do you really not remember me?"

"Hmmm... Ah, wait...! Christina?"

"Are you serious?!"

While I was trying to remember this totally non-important side character, Kazuma was sitting on his bed with his head buried in his hands.

"Just give me a moment... Chloe?"

"No! Your first guess was more accurate!"

"... Emilia?"

"That doesn't even start with a 'ch'! Chris! It's Chris!"

"... Eh?"

"Kazuma-kun I need you to hold me very tight and don't let go... Ah! Wait, nevermind! Let go! Ahh! Don't grab there!"

After Kazuma stopped his sexual harassment, the three of us sat down and calmly talked over the situation.

"I'm Darkness' friend."


"The one who taught Kazuma-kun Steal."


"The one who... s-suffered the consequences of teaching Kazuma-kun Steal..."

"Ohhhhh! Chris! So nice bumping into you here!"

"You seriously remember me for that?!"

"How could I forget something this-"

"Okay, that's enough!"

"I think it's a very important moment in our journey." Kazuma chimed in proudly.

"You're not helping, Kazuma-kun!"

Chris took a few deep breaths to calm down and to get that giant blush off her face, and then continued.

"Alright, never mind that, it's good that you remember me now. It's also good that you're here, actually. If I remember correctly, your job is an Assassin, right?" Chris asked.


"Depends on what?"

"On what do you want from me. I'll let you know that I got very little sleep recently and I'm still feeling a little lethargic." I said while doing some fake yawns.

"Then how about I fill you in on our scheme?"

"Oi, don't call it a scheme. It sounds like we're doing something bad or illegal." Kazuma remarked.

"But we are doing something illegal." Chris said nonchalantly.

"Okay, good night then."

"No, Y/N-kun, wait!"

Just when I was about to leave the room, Chris grabbed onto me tight. She didn't expect me to be stronger than her, though. Not everyone is as weak as Kazuma.

"Wait! Let me explain! It's not what you think!"

"You just yelled out the most cliche line and expect me to believe you?!"

"Y/N...-kun. Argh! I didn't want to do this, but...! Bind!"

Suddenly, Chris withdrew a rope that she had around her waist and bind me up. I fell on the ground like a log.

"Agh! No! I don't wanna hear it! I'm not a criminal anymore!"

"Y/N-kun, just...! Wait, 'anymore'?"

"... Please pretend that you never heard that."

Konosuba - Megumin x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora