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The clock finally hit 3:00pm and I pulled out my phone to call Ben. I sighed, there were no new text messages but that was pretty normal of him. He picked up after the 3rd ring. "Hey baby, where are you parked?" Oh shit sorry Charlie I'm in the middle of a movie and forgot, can you get Elle to bring you home?" I looked down and kicked a rock " yeah, I'll see you when I get home". I hung up before he could say anything else. How could he possibly forget, I'm out of class at the same time everyday. I sit down to text Elle.
     C: Hey could you take me home?
E: hey, Tao and I just left to get a smoothie, what about Nick you just got out of class with him right?
     C: yeah but I don't even know him, that well. We have only talked a few times.
E: but he seems super nice and friends with Darcy and Tara so he can't be that bad
     C: what if he tries to murder me?
E: don't you think your being dramatic?
     C: Maybe....
My thoughts are interrupted and my phone dings again. It's from a number I don't know.

913-222- 3333: Hey uh this is Nick, Elle texted me and said you need a ride? I guess I live a few streets down from you.
     C:Hi Nick! I'm so sorry, I didn't ask her to text you I promise!
N: no worries uh I'm at the cafe if you want to come there and then we can go if you want.
     C:be there asap thanks Nick :)
I can't believe Elle texted him.. I could have just walked home. I walk around in circles deciding what to do. I barely even know him. So what if he's friends with Tara and Darcy what if he bullies me like all his football friends did in high school. My phone dings again and it's nick.
N: I got you a coffee :)
     C: Thanks, be right there!
He got me a coffee? Maybe he's not so bad after all..

As I walk though the doors to the cafe, I spot Nick holding two cups.. he looks nervous. I get butterflies as he jumps up to greet me. "Charlie, over here" he says with a smile spreading from cheek to cheek. He's really cute.. wait no Charlie you literally have a boyfriend at home. Nick hands me the coffee "I didn't know what type of coffee you like so I just got black and you can add in your own flavor" "thanks Nick black is fine" I smile back. Nick starts for the door and I follow behind. He holds it open for me and as I walk through I accidentally brush against him. "Sorry" I say instantly blushing. Nick just smiles down at me and heads for the car. As he turns it on Conan Gray blares through the speakers. He reaches to turn it down. "I wouldn't have taken a football player like you to listen to Conan gray" I chuckle. He looks away shyly "well getting your heartbroken will do that to you." "Oh shit Nick I'm sorry I didn't know". We drive in silence for what feels like forever until he looks over and asks "you say sorry a lot don't you" "oh yeah sorry" "Charlie did you just say sorry for saying sorry" "yeah so.." "don't say it" he chuckled. "Okay okay fine" I smile. As he turns on my street I start to gather my things. "Thank you Nick, I'm sorry Elle put you up to this". "Hey it's okay.. does your ride cancel on you a lot?" He looks sad as he's asks. "Uh yeah but they are super busy so it's not their fault" I look down avoiding eye contact. How do I tell a stranger that my boyfriend is ashamed of me and doesn't want anyone to see us together. I mean he's still in the closet, but we live together. How long can he a avoid it. Nick pulls to a stop in front of my house. "Thanks Nick" I say again "it means a lot". I reach for the handle as nick puts his hand on my shoulder. "Hey Charlie wait" he starts to blush. "I was wondering if you wanted me to take you home again? I just live so close by and if your ride always bails it just makes sense." Im taken back and I just blink at him. "I mean obviously you don't have to but we have the same last class and I won't be going out of my way and you just seem like you could use someone reliable rather than never knowing how you'll get home." His cheeks are an apple red at this point. "Uh I mean if you really are okay with that I would love it" I say blushing. "Great, I'll see you tomorrow then, bye Charlie!" He waves as I walk though my front door. I shut the door behind me hugging my backpack. The butterflies return as I think about him blushing. Ben snaps me out of my thoughts "I see you were able to get a ride?" Yeah I smile. "Actually it was Ni.." "want to go get some dinner?" he interpreted. "Sure" I toss my backpack and decide I'll tell him later.

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