Philosophy class

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A few weeks later:

I walked into class and took my seat in the front. "Mr. spring, you're a bit early aren't you?" "Oh yeah I guess" I said looking at the door. "Waiting for someone?" "Oh no just wanted a good seat for todays lesson". I was lying. I got here early to see Nick. I want to talk about the logistics of him being my ride home. How much I will owe him in gas. Ya know stuff like that. I definitely did not get here early to see his cute face. The bell rings for class to start. Prof. Long gets up to lock the door. I start to get worried as Nick hasn't shown up yet. As if he could read my mind he slips in the door. "You late Mr. Nelson." He fumed. "Right on time I'm afraid" Nick chuckled and took his seat in the back. He shot a wink at me and I think I died for a few seconds. I regained my composure reminding myself of Ben at home and smiled back. Mr. Long turned to write on the board. Everyone sighed as he wrote in all caps GROUP PROJECT. "I want you to get into groups of 4. You will be discussing the theory of determinism. Each of you will take a stance and state your argument for your group. Then you will present your view as a group to the class." He sat down at his desk and I turned around to Nick only to see him already walking towards me. "Hey Char, do you want to be in a group together?" "Sure" I smiled "that sounds like a plan". We talked for a few minutes and slowly realized everyone else was already in a group. "Mr. Long, there isn't anyone else left to join our group. Can we be a group of two?" Nick asked and my heart fluttered. Nick and I together alone? No no no I have a boyfriend Ben. I love him and he loves me. "It will be double the work but if your up to it I'm okay with it." Mr. Long shook is head. "Great" Nick looked down at me. The butterflies returned and I wonder what I got myself into.

"Char are you okay? You seem distracted" nick snapped me out of my thoughts. "Did you just call me char??" I gleamed "oh uh yeah sorry" his ears turned bright red. "Hey no saying sorry remember" I laughed. "Oui, that's only for you" he smirked. "I was asking if we could go to your place after class to work on our project. My brother will be there today and I really don't want to be around him." "Uh let me check, I don't want to bother my roommate." I stumbled. Why did I call Ben my roommate? Why didn't I just tell Nick I have a boyfriend?
C:Hey baby, are you gonna be home tonight.
B: Charlie you know I have training this week. No I won't be home.
C: I just wanted to make sure Ben. We have a project in Phil class and it requires outside work. I know you don't want anyone knowing we live together. Sorry.
B: you know I'm not ready yet. Just make sure they aren't there when I get home Thursday night.
C: okay
B: you know I love you right?
C: yeah love you too
"Okay we can go to my house" I looked up at nick and shyly smiled. My heart is racing and my brain is spinning. I'm going to be alone with a cute, no hot football player. What has my life become.

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