The Wedding

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Ben's Pov:

I straighten my tie and look at myself in the mirror. I take the letter out of my pocket reading it one more time. "I'm so proud of you." I turn around and notice how fragile he is. He takes a step forward and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Thank you for making my last days memorable and meaningful." He sits down clearly out of breath. The Doctors say he only has a few more weeks left. "Son, I know I haven't been the best dad and I know you resent me for what happened with you and Charlie. I'm so glad you were able to find your way back together." A tear slides down my cheek. I grip the letter tighter wondering if I'm making the right decision. "Thanks dad it means a lot."

"Hey uh, can I talk to you?" Tristan knocks softly on the door peering in. "Yeah of course." I smile. My dad takes the hint and rushes out of the room. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I reach out straightening his bow tie. "Your dad is going to be so mad" he holds his breath. "He just wants to see me get married. It will be fine." I straighten myself out. "Your doing the right thing." He cups my cheek and butterflies fill my stomach. I know I'm making the right decision.

Charlies Pov:

I button my cuffs and my mind wanders to Nick. A few months ago I would have sworn I'd be marrying Nick. "Charlie are you okay?" Tori taps me on the shoulder, bringing me back to reality. She reaches up and wipes a tear from my cheek. I didn't realize I was crying. "Are you sure you want to do this?" She grips my shoulder. I lock eyes with her and I start balling. Suddenly, my entire relationship with Nick plays in my head. I don't think I can do this. I love Ben, I think I always will, but my heart is with someone else.

I hear a knock on the door as it opens slowly. "Your not supposed to see the groom before the wedding." She shoots me a worried look.
I pull myself together. I know what I need to do. Ben pushes the door open and walks right past her. "Tori can you give us a sec?" I motion towards the door. She nods her head and leaves us alone. "You look... so handsome." Ben breathes. "I remember when we picked out the Tux." He smirks and I can't help but smile at the memory.

A few moments pass and I take a deep breath. I prepare myself for the worst. "Ben." I start "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry but I can't.." "I know" he interrupts me. I look up confused. He grabs my hand and gives it a kiss. "You haven't been mine for a long time." He glances up and I can see tears forming in his eyes. "But your dad.." I hesitate. "My dad told me he wanted a wedding and.." he hesitates "He will get a wedding." "But who..." I stop talking realizing what's going on. "Your marrying Tristan." He nods his head in response. We stand there awkwardly not knowing how this is supposed to go.

He stands up straighter and clears his throat. He takes a letter out of his pocket and places it in my hand. "Charlie I love you. I will always love you. It's time to let you go." Tears stream down both of our cheeks. "I love you too" He leans forward and places a soft kiss on my lips. All of my feelings for him, everything we have been through, everything I ever wanted for him pours into our last kiss. We both pull back tears streaming down our face. He turns and walks out the door and just like that he's gone.

I sit down and open the letter. I brace myself unsure what's to follow.

"My Dear Charlie.
If your reading this letter than we decided to call off the wedding. I appreciate everything you've done for me, for my dad. You deserve someone who doesn't hide you, who's never hid you. I've held on to you because I was selfish. You were the only person in my life who loved me unconditionally. When I lost you, I thought my life was over. But the world kept spinning and eventually I was okay. Tristan helped a lot. He helped me see that it's time to let you go. There's someone else out there that can give you the love you need.

I know your scared of having to expose yourself to him. Your scared to show him all you quirks. I know your worried it will push him away, but I think we both know it won't. Don't hide yourself away. You never deserved that. Change is scary but sometimes it's needed. You helped me see that.

I wish everyone could see things through the eyes of you because through the eyes of you, I seen that it's okay to be gay. It's okay to not fit it everywhere. It's okay to love who you are. Charlie, through the eyes of you, I seen what love, what true love, should look like.

I set the letter down for a moment trying to gain my composure. I can't read the words through my tears. I take a few deep breathes and focus myself.

"I'm sure your confused right now and part of me is too. But I've known you weren't going to marry me for a while now. Your not over him and you shouldn't be. Please don't feel guilty. We aren't right for each other. Maybe at one time getting married would have been the right thing but, we grew apart and that's okay. Love isn't easy, it's complicated. But it shouldn't be forced. I want you to be happy, which means you need to go after him. Go get Nick. He's the one for you."

I wipe the tears off my cheeks and Tori walks back in the room. "What happened?" She rushes over. "I have to go." I take off running to my car. I drive straight to Nicks house and knock on the door but no one answers. Defeated I drive back to my house. I sigh thinking about what I may have ruined forever. Ben's right, he is the one for me.

I get out of the car and walk slowly up to the door. I struggle to get the key out of my pocket. I finally get it out and the letter falls out. I pick it up and notice writing on the back.

"Ps. I've already talked to Nick. He's waiting at home for you." My heart leaps out of my chest and those familiar butterflies return. I open the door and standing in the hallway is Nick.

"Hi Nick"
"Hi Char"

Through the eyes of you - a Heartstopper fanfic Where stories live. Discover now