Group project part 2

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Back to Charlie's pov: two days later.

I walked in the cafe to see Nick jump up and wave me over. "Hey Char" he said "I uh got you a black coffee and a chocolate croissant" he ran his hand through his hair and looked down. "Nick" I placed my hand on his arm "is this why you left class early?" I chuckled. "Uh oh yeah I uh wanted to have it ready for you. You can get kinda cranky without your coffee and snack" he laughed. "Hey! I mean your not wrong." I looked down laughing and realized I still had my hand on his arm. I looked up and locked eyes with him. I dropped my hand quickly. "Thank you" I stuttered. "So back to yours?" nick asked shyly. "Actually do you think we could finish the project in the library? Ben gets home tonight and he gets weird about other people in the house. I know the library isn't ideal but I think it's our best shot" "sure that works" nick said with a hit of sadness in his voice. Does.. does Nick want to be alone with me? Why would he be disappointed about not going back to my place? He probably just wanted to play more video games. Yeah that's it... "hello earth to Charlie" Nick said waving his hand on my face. "You ready to go?" "Oh uh yeah of course." I blushed. "You know you gotta stop spacing out on me" he chuckled

We found a table all the way in the back on the second floor of the library. "Nobody ever comes back here." Nick said as he laid his backpack on the table. He pulled out a notebook and pulled out the chair across from him. I felt heat rising to my cheeks and started to sweat a little as he gestured to sit down. "Thanks" I said. Ben never does things for me like this.. I think I'm really starting to like Nick. But I love Ben so I try to push down my emotions. "So" I cleared my voice. "The project is due tomorrow and we didn't get much done yesterday because someone wanted to get his ass kicked in Mario kart for a second time". I chuckled "oui, I was so close to beating you this time. Next time your going down." He looked up at me and smiled. "Anyway I actually finished my part by myself last night. Well.. actually Darcy helped a little." I chuckled "oh are you a Darcy an item?" I looked down and tried to avoid his eyes. I knew he couldn't possibly like me. Stupid so stupid. "What no way. She's a lesbian and we are just roommates. You know like you and Ben." "Oh okay" I said hesitantly. I felt a ping of guilt in my stomach. "So you don't like anyone at the moment?" "Oh I didn't say that." Nick reached out for his pencil but accidentally grabbed my hand instead. I quickly pulled away and shoved the pencil towards him. "Here, sorry" I said quickly. "Actually.." Nick started to say but I interpreted him. "We should get this project finished yeah?" "Yeah of course" he cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. I couldn't stomach to hear what girl he has a crush on. I know this is wrong. I don't think I can continue this friendship much longer. I'll just get through this project and then we can go back to strangers. Ones that ride home together... that should be easy enough. We have only been hanging out for a few weeks anyway.

Nick finished presenting his argument for soft determination. "Wow that was really good. I think I'm convinced" I said clapping my hands. Nick grabbed them "sushhhh we are in a library" he reminded me and quickly pulled back his hands. "I think we should present yours tomorrow" I whispered. "Really?" Nick asked "but your so much smarter and it's literally your major." "Yeah but you've convinced me. I love the idea of some things in our life being predetermined but also it comes down to little decisions we make that predetermine them." "Char that's so sweet." He looks up at me and my heart swells. "Like when Elle texted you, her decision predetermined all of this." I looked down shyly. "Char, I think me offering to take you home after class is what really determined it." He lifted my chin up and I died right then and there. "Yeah" "I guess so huh". Nick kept his hand underneath my chin for a few more seconds before dropping his hand back in his lap. "Okay I think we have it all planned out for tomorrow. You'll start the presentation and I do the bulk of the body and then you'll swoop back in and finish it and drive the point home" I said changing the subject. "Sound like a plan to me" Nick winked. Is is he flirting with me? I sat there stunned "Ready to go? It's already 9:00pm. I looked down at my phone. Shit 3 text messages from Ben and 2 missed calls. "Yeah definitely let's go."

We pulled up in front of my house. Ben's car was already in the drive way. Shit he's gonna be so pissed. "Bye Nick!" I said getting out of the car. "Char wait!" Nick rushed out of the car and reached out grabbing my arm and pulling me back. We both leaned into the car. "I was uh wondering." He stutters looking down and kicking a rock. "Out with it Nelson" I chuckled. There's a carnival tomorrow night down at the fair grounds. If your not busy do you maybe want to go... with me I mean." His cheeks flush a deep red and he coughs immediately after. "Will there be cotton candy?" My eyes light up. "Uh yeah it's a carnival so I think so." "Great, I'm down" I say smiling. So much for staying away from this boy. "Oui, cotton candy the only reason you wanna go?" He asked looking down. I reached my hand out lifting his chin. He looks down at me his eyes glistening. "Oh course not Nick." My heart fluttered as the words left my mouth. My eyes full of wanting. I see the porch light turn on and I know Ben is watching. I drop my hand letting it slide down nicks arm. My fingers brushing against his. I gotta go Ben is getting impatient. "I'll see you tomorrow okay." Nick sighed with what sounded like relief. "See you tomorrow Char. Sleep tight." And with that he was off.

I walked through the door and Ben was standing there. "Who the hell was that Charlie?" He huffed

Through the eyes of you - a Heartstopper fanfic Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant