Tux shopping

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Charlie's Pov:

I pull the blanket closer as my eyes flutter open. The cold December air makes me shiver. I feel arms pulling me closer and the events of last night come rushing back. Stay. Rings in my ears. I flip over so that I can face Ben. To see if it's really him in my bed and not Nick. "Good morning fiancé" he chuckles. "Good morning" I smile. "You sound better" he slides his fingers up and down my arm. My hearts racing at his touch and I can't help but let out a sigh. "Is your grandma still in town?" He nods his head but is clearly lost in his own thoughts. I look up locking eyes with him wondering what could possibly be going through his head. He stares back and lust fills his eyes. My eyes grow wide as I realize what he must be thinking. We lay there a few minutes more just looking at each other. Ben clears his throat dragging me out of my impure thoughts. "Do you feel good enough to go tux shopping?" I nod my head. This time I'm the one lost in my own thoughts. Ben reaches his hand up brushing the hair out of my face. "Not now" he leans in and places a kiss on my nose. "Come on, let's get up" he smiles and shakes his head. He lifts the blanket off and throws his sweatshirt back on. "I don't have clothes with me... I'll just go back to base and meet you at the shop at 1:00? I swallow hard trying to process what's going on. "Okay" is all I manage to get out. He walks out of the room and I lay there a few more moments. "Fuck" I groan pressing the pillow against my face. My phone rings and it's Nick. "Fuck" I mumble again. "Hey baby, how are you feeling?" His voice rings through the phone. "Better" I mumble. "Do you want to go to lunch?" I look at the time and it's already 11:00. "I have to go tux shopping today, since I couldn't yesterday." My heart breaks. I don't know what I'm doing. "Oh okay. I'll see you tomorrow?" He voice perks. "Ok, sure. I'll talk to you later I need to shower." I hang up the phone and toss it on the bed. I lean onto my hands and groan. Standing up I grab my clothes and head into the bathroom. A warm shower will clear my head.

Nick's Pov:

"Darcyyyyyy" I yell through the house. She comes running in my room. "What's wrong Nick?"  She breathes hard, trying to catch her breath. "He's still in love with Ben." "What? Why would you say that?" She rushes over. Tears stream down my face "why else is he marrying him?" "Oh honey, Ben's dad is dying, he's just trying to do the right thing." She wraps her arms around me. "But he's been acting so weird lately" my voice cracks. She leans back and puts her hand on my knee. "Charlie loves you, he's just stressed with everything going on. He's dating you and fake marrying Ben and you just had finals." "Yeah" I sniff. "Why don't you just go away for Christmas, just the two of you?" She smiles and nudges me. "You said you guys haven't been able to... ya know because someone is always intruding" she chuckles. My tears stop and my cheeks turn red. "Hey no making fun of my sex life" I hit her lightly with a pillow. "I'm simply saying, maybe you two just need to be alone for a few days, reconnect to each other. How you choose to do that is on you." She chuckles hitting me back with the pillow. I nod my head knowing she's just trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, I'll book the trip" I perk up at the thought of just the two of us in a cabin. Especially since Ben won't be there.

Charlie's Pov:

My Lyft drops me off in front of the shop and I get out and look around nervously. I already don't like people looking at me and now I'm going to have to be the center of attention. I walk in the door and Ben's grandma sees me first. "Charlie darling!" She opens her arms wide. "I wish you two would have told me you were together ages ago. You guys could have moved in with me." I tilt my head wondering what she means. She leans in whispering "I know his dad has never been accepting of people being gay. But I'm proud to have you as my grandson in law." She leans back and gives me a sweet smile. Tears fill my eyes. Ben has had support all along but he never knew it. I look over her shoulder to see Ben coming out of the fitting room. He's wearing an all black tux. His dad helps him put on the cummerbund and he looks over locking eyes with me. He smiles and those damn butterflies take over. He just looks so good and my hands get sweaty. "Shit" I mumble. He looks so good is all I can think. His grandma chuckles and I realize I said that out loud. "Sorry" I mumble embarrassed. "It's okay, he looks really good doesn't he." He beams over at her grandson. "Yeah, he does" My eyes glisten and Ben looks back at me and nods his head for me to come over. His dad hands me the bow tie. "Here, you can help him with this and then we will find something you like." I reach around his neck to warp the bow tie around it and Ben whispers in my ear "like what you see?" He chuckles. I lean back stunned. He's clearly flirting with me. I simply nod my head not able to find the words to express what I'm feeling. "Okay your turn" his grandma holds out a tux. It's white but still matches Ben's. I take the tux from her and head into the changing room. I get it on but it's too big. "Ben" I call out. He knocks on the door and I crack it open. "It's too big" I whisper. I look down ashamed. "Hey, he reaches in lifting my chin up. All you need is a smaller size. It's okay" he smiles sweetly and I melt into a puddle in his hand. He walks away to tell the lady helping us. A few moments later he comes back with a measuring tape. "This is the only size they have in store. She wants to take your measurements to special order it, but I know you don't want that." I nod my head. "Would you be okay with me doing it?" I look up nervous but I nod my head and open the door so he can slip in. "I need you to Uh take it off so that I get correct measurements." He gulps. "Oh of course" I strip down to my boxers and blush as he looks me up and down. He wraps the measuring tape around my waist and pulls it's tight. "Does this feel comfortable?" He locks eyes with me blushing. "Yeah it does" I answer back, but I'm not taking about the measuring tape and I think he knows it. He finishes taking the measurements and I put back on the tux because we forgot to show his family. I put one leg in and go to put the other in but trip. I fall into Ben and he catches us so that we are leaning against the wall. My faces are inches apart and my breathing quickens. We look up locking eyes with each other and the world stops spinning. He leans in and I close my eyes. He bushes past my cheek and whispers for the second time today "not now". I stumble back and finish getting dressed. He slips out the dressing room and I stand there for a few minutes not knowing what just happened.

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