The pancake incident

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Charlie's pov:

I wake up with my arms wrapped around Joey. I look around confused as to where I am. The day before comes rushing back. I let out a groan pressing Joey against my face muffling it. Nick pops his head around the corner. He's wearing an apron over his pjs. "Morning Char" he smiles. Flash backs of feeling his lips on mine takes over my thoughts. All I can think about is wanting to Kiss him again.. and again.. and again... "I'm making blueberry pancakes if you want some" he calls out running back to the stove. I get up tip toeing my way towards him. He's in the middle of flipping a pancake as I wrap my arms around him from behind. I lay my head on the back of his shoulder. He chuckles rubbing his hand across mine. "Morning" I mumble into his back. "What do you want to do today?" He places the cooked pancake onto an already big stack. He pours another pancake into the pan. The sizzling of the batter hitting the pan causes my stomach to growl. Nick spins around leaning back against the stove. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me towards him so that our bodies are pressed against each other. I lean into him. "We could kiss today" I smirk looking up at him lust in my eyes. "Duh, but what else you do you want to do?" He lets out a chuckle throwing his head back. "Kiss some more" a giggle escapes my lips. For a few moments I forget all about the pain filled day that lead to this moment. I feel happy just being held in his arms. Nick turns back to the stove flipping the pancake over. "We can't kiss alllll day" he turns back pulling me back against him. "Why not?" I pout. I reach up pulling his head down planting my lips firmly against his. Nick sighs into the kiss. His hands find my waist gripping hard pulling me even closer. I'm fully pressed against him now. My hands run through his hair and he lets out a gasp. I take my chance to deepen the kiss, running my tongue against his bottom lip asking permission. He moans into my mouth, opening his slightly so that I can slide my tongue against his. "NICK THE PANCAKE!" Darcy yells rounding the corner. I glance over Nicks shoulder to see the pan smoking.She turns into the kitchen and stops dead in her tracks. My hands are still wrapped in Nicks hair, his hands gripping my waist. I look up at Nick and burry my head in his chest embarrassed. Nick cheeks turn a rosie red. He moves his hand from my waist, planting a firm one against the back of my head hugging me tighter. "Hi Darcy." He giggles embarrassed. He lets go and dumps the pancake in the trash. "Breakfast is ready" he clears his throat, placing the plate on the table. Darcy sits down immediately eating. She picks up the pancake ripping it into little pieces. I do the same and Nick just shakes his head. "I didn't realize Charlie was here. Sorry" she mumbles. "Oh yeah, we got in so late. I didn't want to wake you up." Nick looks over at me smiling. "Next time just leave a note so I don't walk in on you two making out again". My cheeks heat up and I choke on my pancake. Darcy and Nick look at each other giggling. "So" she starts "any plans for the day" her voice comes out in a singsong tone. Nick and I look at each other shrugging. "Omg, let's have a lazy day in! Movies, cookies, board games, and pizza." She shrieks. I look over at Nick for any indication that he okay with me being here for the day. I don't want to over stay my welcome. He gives me a reassuring smile and I nod my head. "Okay" Nick and I say at the same time. Darcy jumps up in joy clapping her hands. "I'm gonna call Tara she's gonna love this." Nick has a worried expression. Darcy sits back down. "Sorry Nick, I don't have to call Tara, I forgot she doesn't know." Nick looks down and I can't make out his expression. "Doesn't know.." I trail off confused at what's happening. "Tara doesn't know I like you." He mumbles, My heart flutters. He likes me. I mentally scream at his comment. Trying to keep cool I just respond with an "oh". Nick sits there deep in thought. Finally he looks up smiling at Darcy. "You can call Tara. I mean you two are dating and it's bound to come out about Charlie and I eventually." He grabs my hand under the table. I give him a squeeze, hoping he can feel my support. "Yay" Darcy runs around the table and pulls Nick into a hug. "I'm so proud of you" she whispers in his ear, shooting over me a wink. She puts her plate in the sink and runs off to call Tara. "Omg babe you have to come over today." She trails off in the distance. "So lazy day in?" I ask looking over at Nick. He nods giving me a smile.

20 minutes have passed and I'm leaning my head on his shoulder. We are sitting on the couch scrolling through Tic Tok. When there's a knock at the door. Tara walks through the door. "Charlie!!" she runs runs over pulling me into a hug. She pulls back giving me a smile. "Is it okay if we go talk outside?" She asks nodding to the door. "Sure" I hesitate. I have no idea where this is going to go. I shoot a worried look to Nick. He gives a reassuring smile. I follow her out the door wondering what's wrong.

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