Chapter 3: Fired, again

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Yesterday was your first day working for IMP and it was...Intresting, to say the least. You thought that you might only have to kill one or two people but Blitzo somehow started a bet with Verosika Mayday. And for the stupidest reason. Anyways, whenever you saved Verosika and her posse yesterday, Verosika said she owed you. You would usually ignore people saying they owed by saying "please, you dont owe me anything". But something Verosika offered you has been stuck in your mind. She said that you should ditch Blitzo and work for her but you cant just ditch IMP already. But on the other hand, working with a succubus popstar is a once in a lifetime, or after lifetime, experience. Your mind has been stuck on the issue.

You wake up at 9:30 AM, just like you did yesterday. Even though you've only been doing it for one day, waking up at the early time of 9:30 is already in your normal daily routine. You jump out of bed and put on a hoodie and a pair of casual pants. You walk out of your room and skip breakfast again, just like you did yesterday. You leave your apartment and start making your way to work. On your walk, you keep constantly thinking about joining Verosika Mayday but you know you shouldnt yet. The only thing you can think about is this succubus popstar.

You eventually make it to the outside of IMP. You open the doors and walk in. You pass Loona on her phone, not paying attention like usual.

Y/n: Hey Loona

Loona: (not paying attention) 'sup

You smile and walk into the staff break room and you see Moxxie and Millie sitting on a couch together.

Moxxie: Oh, good morning Y/n.

Y/n: Mornin' Mox.

You walk into the kitchen area of the break room and you start making yourself a coffee.

Y/n: Tough day yesterday, Mox?

Moxxie: Ugh, yeah. Me and Millie had to kill most of the targets because Blitzo kept getting distracted.

Y/n: Eek, yeah that sounds tough.

You finish making your coffee and you sit down on the couch opposite the couch that Moxxie and Millie are sitting on.

Y/n: Well i got to watch a giant fish monster being murdered.

Millie: Oh! I was the one that killed that fish monster!

Y/n: Really?

Millie: Uh-huh!

Y/n: Huh, you're stronger than you look Mills!

Millie: Aww, thank you Y/n!

Y/n: Heh, it is true though.

Moxxie: Anyways Y/n, you took pretty long coming in through the portal yesterday and when you came through you said that you were helping someone. Who were you helping?

Y/n: Oh, just uh, Verosika Mayday and her posse.

Millie: Holy shit! Really!?

Y/n: Yeah. Verosika and her posse were about to get arrested but i snuck around, threw a grenade and blew up the police. Now Verosika keeps saying that she owes me.

Millie: Thats crazy!

Y/n: Yeah. She even offered me to work for her.

Moxxie: Wait, really?

Y/n: Yeah. Ive been thinking about taking her up on her offer but im not sure if i should.

Moxxie: Well, in my opinion, you should start working for Verosika. You dont really seem like the type to kill people daily. Work with Verosika would probably be simpler for you.

"You're cute~" [Verosika Mayday x shy male reader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora