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The Louds were about to go out and look for Lincoln since it was getting late before Lori's phone beep.

Lori: Lincoln said he ran into some friends from the institution, he wants to know if he can bring them over.

Rita: why not.

Lori: he said they'll be here soon.

Luan: how soon?

The front door opened with Lincoln and the group walking in as they all turned their heads to them.

Veteran: talk about about a big family.

Johnny: talk about fucking like rabbits.

Jenny: talk about two idiots, sorry about them my friend can be really dumb.

Lynn Sr: that's okay.

Johnny: we better get going.

Luna: you guys just got here.

Veteran: we just wanted to drop Lincoln off so he doesn't get into anymore trouble.

Jenny: it is getting late.

Rita: okay be save.

They walked out the door.

Leni: they were nice.

Lynn Sr: and seemed responsible.

Lori: what did they mean by more trouble.

They noticed his hands were stained with blood.


Their was a girl in the police station with her parents the girl was crying before they brought Lincoln in.

Chief: is this him?

Man: his just a kid, this is a serious problem at hand.

Chief: it was worth a try, but we can't do to much unless we have a lead.

Man: my daughter as been a lot and-

They all turned to Lincoln who was busy on a sketch book before walking up to the showing a drawing of a guy with long and a little scar close to his left eye probably in his mind twenties before the girl started to cry.

Girl: that's him.

Chief: are you sure on that?

Girl: yes!


After a while Lincoln was returned to the Louds who were waiting for him.

Chief: Mr and Mrs Loud.

Rita: did he do something wrong?

Lynn Sr: was he following people again.

Chief: your boy here just helped us identify our target.

Lynn Sr: he did?

Chief: according to the victims, you're all free to go home, and thanks again.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now