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Lincoln was holding a red cup sitting next to Jenny's friends.

Alice: So Lincoln, Jenny said you guys meet at the institution.

Susan: Why'd you end up there.

Lincoln smiled at them in a bit of a weird way.

Lincoln: I'm a serial killer.

Jenny: okay I'm back.

Susan: Hey Jenny can we talk to you.

Jenny: yeah sure.

Susan: Away from him.

They drag her away from Lincoln.

Jenny: what is it?

Susan: Not only his he weird is crazy.

Alice: And a bit freaky.

They turn to see Lincoln waving at them.

Jenny: he can be odd but his alright.

Susie: He said his he was a serial killer.

Jenny: he says that all the time.

Susan: I'm going be honest his weird but I'm not going say anything because of you.


The loud sister were asking a lady about Lincoln.

Lady: sorry I haven't seen him.

Lori: thanks anyways.

Lady: I hope you guys find him, it's getting late.

Luna: thanks.


Lincoln was mixing different drink before adding a little bit of alcohol not to much just enough to be notified before splitting it into four different cups.

Lincoln headed back to Jenny and her friends.

Lincoln: here.

Jenny: thanks.

Alice: Thanks.

Susan: Yeah.

Alice: What is it?

Lincoln: if only I knew, I just mixed some stuff I thought would go together.

Jenny: what ever it is, it's good.

Alice: So Lincoln do you have any siblings.

Lincoln: I got a couple, but I'm not in the mood to talk about them or my parents......or myself....I guess anything about me or them............ and...I...guess.... the others.

Susan: That has to be the weirdest way someone said they don't want to talk about their family.

Lincoln: I'm a weird dude.

Alice: Sounds like you got problems.

Lincoln looked a bit upset about her comment dropping his drink getting up.

Lincoln: I just said so and besides what do you know.

Lincoln began to walk away with Jenny behind him.

Jenny: Lincoln hold on, she didn't mean it like that.

Lincoln tapped his belt before starting to climb up thin air like he was climbing up a set of stairs before arriving about 12ft in the air sitting up there.


The Loud sisters were talking to a middle aged man.

Man: your brother?

Luna: yeah, his about this tall.

Man: did he have white hair and freckles with buck teeth.

Luan: that him.

Man: he was in my shop earlier.

Lori: what'd he get?

Guy: some soda, a couple snacks, and some supplies, I think he mentioned something about the woods, the not too dangerous one.

Luna: thanks.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now